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I miss...

[Mar 6,2005 1:23pm - Anthony ""]

I wish Axl would stop being stubborn, boot Scott Weiland and join Velvet Revolver (aka reform GNR).

To anyone who "hates" GNR and has never owned an album, do yourself a favor and buy Appetite for Destruction for 2 bucks off of half.com. If you still hate them, then you're only out a little bit of cash. Give that album a listen or two through and I'd be surprised if most people don't enjoy it.
[Mar 6,2005 1:27pm - tbone_r ""]
gnr ruled
[Mar 6,2005 1:42pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
I went and saw G n' R twice on the newly formed tour, even though it wasnt really them it was amazing
[Mar 6,2005 2:04pm - Anthony ""]
dneirflrigruoydeliani said:I went and saw G n' R twice on the newly formed tour, even though it wasnt really them it was amazing

I feel stupid for not going. I've heard files of 'Madagascar' and 'Silk Worms" that I didn't really like. How is 'Chinese Democracy?'
[Mar 6,2005 2:12pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i really liked the new songs, i have a whole version of madascar from rock in rio. I wonder if it will ever come out
[Mar 6,2005 2:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Can't say I do. I always hear them on the radio and at parties. Never was a huge fan.
[Mar 6,2005 3:37pm - malettey ""]
i hate GNR, and i'm happy to say i've never owned an album. i think axl rose is a horrible singer.
[Mar 6,2005 4:33pm - Anthony nli  ""]
malettey said:i hate GNR, and i'm happy to say i've never owned an album.

Anthony said:To anyone who "hates" GNR and has never owned an album, do yourself a favor and buy Appetite for Destruction for 2 bucks off of half.com. If you still hate them, then you're only out a little bit of cash. Give that album a listen or two through and I'd be surprised if most people don't enjoy it.

You're missing out.

[Mar 6,2005 5:27pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
appetite is easily in my top 5 favorite albums, ever.
[Mar 6,2005 9:00pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
AFD is the reason I like music, 3rd grade my cousin played me it, scince then my life has been different, it still never leaves my rotation
[Mar 6,2005 9:32pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
'Appetite' is merely a rip-off of Aerosmith's 'Toys in the Attic' and 'Rocks' combined.

Anthony: Give those album a listen or two through and I'd be surprised if you don't enjoy it.
[Mar 6,2005 9:33pm - blue ""]
most overrated bands of all time:

1. tool
2. nirvana
3. guns n roses
[Mar 6,2005 9:38pm - Anthony nli  ""]
th3rdknuckle said:'Appetite' is merely a rip-off of Aerosmith's 'Toys in the Attic' and 'Rocks' combined.

Anthony: Give those album a listen or two through and I'd be surprised if you don't enjoy it.

Haha, are you kidding me man? Toys in the Attic was one of my first albums! I started playing that lp on the record player in my house when I was about 6 years old. I'd sit there all afternoon and keep on playing it... haha I was a loser.

Anyways, GnR obviously worshipped Aerosmith but in IMHO 'Appetite' is still better than anything Aerosmith ever put out. (That's coming from a BIG Aerosmith fan.)

[Mar 6,2005 9:44pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
ouch blue, ouch, ill agree with tool g n' r is amazing, AFD i also agree is better then anythign "Arrow"smith put out. Axls voice is amazing, I bet if the new album ever comes out it is going to be amazing as well.
[Mar 6,2005 10:05pm - blue ""]
you know im an asshole anyway.
[Mar 6,2005 11:03pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
haha you are the biggest dick i have ever met, i cant believe how much of an asshole you are
[Mar 7,2005 10:47am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i definitley agree with nirvana and tool being most overrated, especially nirvana, but gnr?

come on now.
[Mar 7,2005 10:54am - th3rdknuckle ""]
blue said:most overrated bands of all time:

1. tool
2. nirvana
3. guns n roses

you forgot Motley Crue

[Mar 7,2005 10:54am - blue ""]
i just cant handle slashs generic and never evolving soloing, not to mention axls annoying vocals.
[Mar 9,2005 1:33pm - malettey ""]
Anthony nli said:malettey said:i hate GNR, and i'm happy to say i've never owned an album.

You're missing out.

i'm not missing out on anything special....there were so many greater, more original bands that came out of the '80s

[Mar 9,2005 1:59pm - sinistas ""]
Madagascar is awesome. It's the sole reason I want Chinese Democracy to come out.
[Mar 9,2005 2:05pm - dan.  ""]
not liking a band because there are other bands that are "greater, more original" is the dumbest fucking shit ive ever heard

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