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June 28 2003 - Inflames, Soilwork, Chimaira, Unearth

[Jun 28,2003 6:09am - the_reverend ""]
I guess I'm going to be there tonight. Hopefully,I can get my camera in to take pictures.
[Jun 28,2003 9:15am - succubus ""]
how messed up...1 photo and ticket between the both of us..:shocked:
[Jun 28,2003 10:48am - joe/notcommon ""]
i have a free ticket to go, but i work until 9
so unless i can get out an hour early i cant go
i should try to convince my ride to leave at 9
unearth kind of sucks anyway
[Jun 29,2003 2:31am - succubus ""]
Were you there Joe? It was AWESOME!!! I ALMOST ended up on stage! err on the floor
[Jun 29,2003 2:35am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I guess I'm 100% totally oblivious to everythign cause I missed succubus's big moment.
I'm home and workingon the pictures now.
[Jun 29,2003 3:25am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are up.
I will wirte my review in the morning as I can't keep my eyes open right now
[Jun 29,2003 11:38am - the_reverend ""]
I'm not sure who to thank as I got a ticket from amy (so thank you), but someone gave me a photo pass. who ever that was, thank you too

unearth: they we reselling copies of strings of cons. in the back. I guess it's not out of print. I got to watch one of the guitarists barely missing soilwork's keyboards over and over with his guitar. I heard one of the members was leaving *rumor* as they are on tour right now so that would be hard. It's great to see the mass band that most NE bands was to be and funny watching their choreographed moves that they do when they are playing. guitar up (one two) guitar down (three four) repeat and jump!

soilwork: played mostly old songs. it was really cool, even though they had a short set (10 songs). Of course most people probably waited more from chainheart machine, but NBC is a great CD and really good to sing along to. The acustic of their set was horrible, the vocals were all echoy and the guitars (especially on natural born chaos) were almost indistinguishable even though that's the best part of that song.

some cheeseball dance music came on and the audience chanted "what the fuck" over and over. wicked gay. I think they also chanted some other things, but I wasn't paying attention as most of them were drunk with "slipknot" shirts on. (thumbs down)

chimaira: the sound for them was pretty good except for the keys, I couldn't really hear them. They played 3 tracks of the last CD (pass out of existence), but it was weird that they played them all in a row. They could have probably hit shuffle on that one. They also played 5 tracks of the new cd (the impossibility of reason). From down below it was hard to see, but the keyboard player does double time and sings. That'll keep people from saying that keyboardists just hit a button.

the sound guy should get a metal. they played sigur ros in between chimaira and in flames.

inflames: they played a huge, long set (19 songs) which spanned their entire career, Unfortunately the security told us that one of the guitar players was epileptic so we couldn't use flashes. I guess their tour manager told them that (it's odd cause all the lights going off on stage almost gave me a seizure). In flames basically had the same lighting set up as they had during slayer last august. I guess while I was talking to someone, the show stopped and Andres tried to get succubus to jump down into the crowd and come up on stage. I seem to always miss every time someone hits on her. When they played pinball map, you could barely hear the key hits.
[Jun 29,2003 12:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
I think tim and I are going to the IF, Soilwork show @ toads tonight.

I wonder if they'll be gay about my camera. :middlefinger:
[Jun 29,2003 12:08pm - the_reverend ""]
just don't use flashes around the blonde guitarist. you wouldn't want to do something do cause him to have a seizure.

RA, can you compare the set list? I want to know if it's exactly the same of not.
we are heading to TYAG+others at the bomb shelter now
[Jun 29,2003 12:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
I'll try and take down the setlist. Poor Jesper Stromblad never use to have a problem with camera flashes. :middlefinger:

Devon just called me from CT, they are on the way home from NY now. I'll be in CT till tomorrow so I won't be able to make it to the bomb shelter obviously.

have fun and make sure devon doesn't try getting succubus to come up on stage. :spineyes:
[Jun 29,2003 6:20pm - corpsegrinder0123 ""]
that in flames show was pretty sick, Unearth was awesome too bad they played first the crowd wasnt warmed up yet. soilwork was good the first half of their set but pretty lame the second half of their set. Chimaira was sick really good shit. In Flames was awesome but I wish they played some shit from Jester Race and Lunar Strain.
[Jun 29,2003 9:26pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i was surprised that Soilwork played so early. their set list kicked some ass, but the sound did suck hardcore. i owe my friend Jon a shot because he bet that In Flames was going to come out wearing white and i bet against him. har har.
[Jun 29,2003 10:49pm - succubus ""]
kell..have you ever been in the bathroom of the palladium while a band was playing? No joke..the sound is great...too bad they don't have TV monitors...:spineyes:
[Jun 29,2003 10:58pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
succubus - lol! i've been to the bathroom while a band was playing, but i haven't really paid attention! that's so funny...i'll have to remember that for next time! :NEWHORNS:
[Jun 30,2003 10:26am - Metalfan960  ""]
Yea that show kicked ass, In Flames really lit the place up. Your right about the sound it blew at some points, couldnt even here the vocal. Well worth it though. That long wait before In Flames wasnt cool, but they had the best entrance. Best show ever except for that rap shit they played. The guy that played that shit was an ass, the guy next to me talked to him, that fag was like "you got something better''. A total ass, but you know what after that I didnt see the guy for the rest of the night. We probably scared the shit out of the guy with all the chanting. :NEWHORNS:

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