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Carina appreciation thread

[Mar 6,2005 9:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Carina brought me a delicious candy bar the other night.

Feel free to share Carina appreciation stories here.
[Mar 6,2005 9:38am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i dont have a carina sory. i heard she has like boobs or something though.
[Mar 6,2005 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
yesterday, I "appreciated" all over her boobs, on her face, and a little in her hair.
[Mar 6,2005 9:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
as long as you didn't get it all over the couch
[Mar 6,2005 9:49am - the_reverend ""]
nope, tom wasnt here.
oops.. that's cooch.
[Mar 6,2005 9:51am - handinjury ""]
Carnia rocks, she filmed the hole show friday night. What a chick, eh!!!!
[Mar 6,2005 9:52am - the_reverend ""]
but it's what she didn't film the next morning that would make you "appreciate" her more.
I know I do.
[Mar 6,2005 10:05am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:yesterday, I "appreciated" all over her boobs, on her face, and a little in her hair.
hahaha so not true!

[Mar 6,2005 10:05am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:but it's what she didn't film the next morning that would make you "appreciate" her more.
I know I do.


dehumanized slept over..so again i'm not sure what yer refering to?

[Mar 6,2005 10:06am - succubus ""]
ohh wait you mean after they left..ok

hahaha that was not morning though!
[Mar 6,2005 10:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Carina had sex with Dehumanized for Aaron's sick pleasure
[Mar 6,2005 10:07am - succubus ""]
thanks joe<3

i have more things for you! glad you enjoyed the chocolate!!

and thanks handinjury! i hope it turned out ok despite the dark lighting
[Mar 6,2005 11:03am - handinjury ""]
the_reverend said:but it's what she didn't film the next morning that would make you "appreciate" her more.
I know I do.

My sick'o mind has allready thought up a least 8 differant scenario's.
Aaron :bow: carina :whipper:
[Mar 6,2005 11:27am - ArmageddAnne ""]
I love Carina, she brought my some lasagna (yummy)and we can always talk shit in French...that's a rare treat for me!
She does have nice boobs.
[Mar 6,2005 12:02pm - pessimist ""]
this one time, at band camp, carina stuck a flute in my pussy...

wait, what?
[Mar 6,2005 12:20pm - XmikeX ""]
that lady gets an A+ from me.
[Mar 6,2005 12:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]
One time she said "Hi" to me.
[Mar 6,2005 12:38pm - dread_104 ""]

oh yeah!
[Mar 6,2005 12:40pm - dread_104 ""]

for you...
[Mar 6,2005 1:06pm - tbone_r ""]
the_reverend said:yesterday, I "appreciated" all over her boobs, on her face, and a little in her hair.

hahhaa. well played.

remember that LJ kid that was talking about some band screwing his mom? remember when carina slept in the same house as dehumanized....i'm just saying, sounds fishy.
[Mar 6,2005 2:21pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
she gave me a slice of pizza..she rules !
[Mar 6,2005 2:26pm - retzam ""]
[Mar 6,2005 2:36pm - Aegathis ""]
One time she instant messaged me.
[Mar 6,2005 3:53pm - Abbath ""]
carina is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, i can complain to her about everything and she always listens and helps me out and vise versa, she rocks
[Mar 6,2005 5:13pm - Kalopsia ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Carina had sex with Dehumanized for Aaron's sick pleasure

i wish

yea, Carina let us stay at her place after the Rhode Island show, and she even gave me advil for my headache!!! plus she let me take a picture of her cleavage on my camera phone. CARINA RULES!!!!
[Mar 6,2005 5:14pm - XmikeX ""]
The Rev and Carina are the closest thing we have to royalty in America. fact.
[Mar 6,2005 5:24pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
carina once told me i had beautiful hands, and should be a hand model.

oh wait, that was your mother.

[Mar 6,2005 6:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
She once yelled at me for posting a bad pic oher.
[Mar 6,2005 6:17pm - phobia ""]
she buys me hot dogs at spikes on a regular basis.
[Mar 6,2005 6:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]
What? She only bought me one ONCE!!!

We're not best friends anymore!
[Mar 7,2005 2:01am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I flirt with her when Aaron's not around.
[Mar 7,2005 2:09am - phantos ""]
Carina is a true lady and sweetheart.

and great photographer.

very much appreciated.
[Mar 7,2005 7:16am - Lynne too lazy to log in  ""]
Carina is one of the very few women i get along with.... and even fewer that i consider a good friend. She is one of the sweetest people ever and deserves the world.
[Mar 7,2005 9:50am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Carina goes to Motley Crue, so we don't have to.
[Mar 7,2005 9:55am - dreadkill ""]
carina rules!
[Mar 7,2005 12:27pm - anonymous  ""]

you guys are awesome =)
[Mar 7,2005 12:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
see: http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=14087 :spineyes:
[Mar 7,2005 12:32pm - blue ""]
lets hear a big WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for the c-dog!
[Mar 7,2005 12:37pm - paganmegan ""]
Carina is one of the nicest people there is
[Mar 7,2005 1:04pm - norwellbob ""]
Met her a few times, always very nice and friendly... and she took pictures of my band that make us look like we don't suck!!

Yay Carina!!
[Mar 7,2005 1:11pm - subjugate ""]
Carina = c o o l
[Mar 7,2005 2:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
carina owns.
[Mar 7,2005 9:06pm - succubus ""]

and look at this kid..

not even an rttp person and i got a thread!
[Mar 7,2005 9:33pm - anonymous  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Carina had sex with Dehumanized for Aaron's sick pleasure

it wasnt actually 'dehumanized'...it was the non-official band member.

[Mar 8,2005 12:23am - sxealex ""]
carinas head isnt big..............yet hehehe i dunno id hate this many compliments i think
[Mar 8,2005 11:25am - the_reverend ""]
I "appriciated" her in the ass when I got home from WUNH.
[Mar 8,2005 11:32am - anonymous  ""]
i am looking forward to getting \"appreciated\" tomorrow because it\'s my birthday!
[Mar 8,2005 12:03pm - the_reverend ""]
in the ass again, I hope.
[Mar 8,2005 1:53pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i appreciate Carina. she is one of the friendliest people ever. my very first SoB show she was there, so nice to me. telling me not to be nervous.

if i could, i would shower her with scorpion bowls and cheesy fries.

and happy early birthday!
[Mar 9,2005 1:40am - silky ""]
one time, carina and I were in the everglades, and this bird stole my money, and carina lent me $40 and bought me some chilli fries at denny's. that was awesome!

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