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Caddyshack quotes

[Mar 4,2005 3:27pm - litacore ""]
[Mar 4,2005 3:28pm - Abraxas ""]
This is a mix between Kentucky bluegrass and northern California sensimilla...
[Mar 4,2005 3:28pm - litacore ""]
that must be the tea
[Mar 4,2005 3:31pm - Abraxas ""]
I bet if you wear that hat into a restaurant you get a free bowl of soup...
[Mar 4,2005 3:33pm - litacore ""]
--I want you KILL every gole-phurr on the course

--correct me if I'm wrong Sully, but if I kill all the golfers, they're going to lock me up and throw away the key!

--(frustrated) no, GOLE-PHURRs! The little furry rodents!

--We can do that, we don't even have to have a reason.

--well, DO IT, MAN!

--yeah, let's do the same thing buit with gophers! . . . (mutters) it's not my fault nobody can understand what you're sayin'
[Mar 4,2005 3:55pm - Josh_Martin ""]

"Welllllll, We're waiting!!
[Mar 4,2005 3:57pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Spalding: "I want a hamburger, no a cheeseburger. I want a hot dog. I want a milkshake. I want potato chips."

Judge: "You'll get nothing and like it!"
[Mar 4,2005 3:58pm - powerkok ""]
hey....who stepped on a duck?!?
[Mar 4,2005 3:59pm - Abraxas ""]
I christen thee... Flying Wasp!
[Mar 4,2005 3:59pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Rodney "this is the worst lookin' hat I ever saw. Looks good on you though!"
[Mar 4,2005 3:59pm - Abraxas ""]
How would you like to mow my lawn? Hmmm, hmmm?
[Mar 4,2005 4:03pm - moran ""]
"When I was your age, I used to carry 60 lb blocks of ice up and down stairs."

"So what?"

"So what? Lets dance!!"
[Mar 4,2005 4:06pm - dread_104 ""]
"you be the ball. if i wanted to be a piece of sporting equipment, i be a ladies bicycle seat!"

caddyshack II rules
[Mar 4,2005 4:08pm - Christraper ""]
To catch an animal, one must think like an animal. And occasionally.....become one.
[Mar 4,2005 4:15pm - litacore ""]
Say Father, did you hear the one about the Jew, the Catholic, and the Colored Boy who went to Heaven?
[Mar 4,2005 6:38pm - Abraxas ""]
How about a Fresca?

Sure I know its good weed, I bought it off a knee-grow!
[Mar 4,2005 7:32pm - Aegathis ""]
"So this is your grandson...now I see why tigers eat their young!"

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