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[Mar 2,2005 4:14pm - TTD ""]
Through The Discipline will be doing an east coast run with Bloodjinn and the Hostage Heart. If you are near the areas of any of these shows come on down.

3/18-The Colonial Heights Community Center- Colonial Heights, VA
3/19-Summerville American Legion- Summerville, SC
3/20-The Milestone- Charlotte, NC
3/21-The Social- N Myrtle Beach, SC
3/22-Sector 7G- Augusta, GA
3/23- Thee Imperial- Jacksonville, FL
3/24- Club Zero- Naples, FL
3/25- Neptunes Lounge- Tarpon Springs, FL
3/26- TBA- Alabama
3/27- Ireson's Pub- Bristol, TN
3/28- The Muse- Nashville, TN
3/29- Sudsy Malone's- Cincinnati, OH
3/30- The Pritchard Community Center- Elizabethtown, KY
3/31- The Spot- Elyria, OH
4/1- TBA- Pittsburgh, PA
4/2- TBA- New Jersey
4/3- Club NY- Middletown, NY

For more upcoming TTD tour dates check back to www.throughthediscipline.com.
[Mar 2,2005 4:17pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... no dates near me.
[Mar 3,2005 2:36pm - moe_rk nli  ""]
hmm...i'll probably be in jersey the night of April 2nd...hopefully its relatively close to Central Northern Jersey

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