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parking for as220

[Mar 2,2005 10:39am - soilworker ""]
what is there for parking at this place. do you have to pay or is it hard to find parking?
[Mar 2,2005 10:48am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
its not hard at all, all you do is go by the club, take a right, then another right and theres a parking lot that empties out at night used by one of the businesses. it says restricted parking but i havent had a problem yet. use the 2nd lower lot thats well lit, and watch out for the video camera mounted on the building up to your right once you're in there. dont want anyone getting caught on tape doing something illicit.
[Mar 2,2005 11:13am - soilworker ""]
ok thanks alot.
[Mar 2,2005 11:17am - jake  ""]
there's also parking right under that graffiti blasted bridge about a 4 min walk away near one of them bumping clubs. just lock your doors.
[Mar 2,2005 11:17am - the_reverend ""]
I just park on the street.
I get off on atwells and then drive around the block 1 or 2 times, ending up finding parking down by the theatres.
[Mar 2,2005 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
jake: that's where someone ripped off my drivers side mirror... they probably sat their big ass on it.
[Mar 2,2005 11:20am - handinjury ""]
or at the end of the street as220 is on, take a left then take your 2nd left and it will take you to a parking lot (usually $7) or try to park on Westminster st. That’s about a 4 min walk.
[Mar 2,2005 11:20am - jake  ""]
jesus christ. i take it back, don't park under that shit bridge.
[Mar 2,2005 12:24pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
If you're in a band, you can unload in front of the place (double park) or in the back of the building. I would consider parking somewhere else, cause it's not AS220 parking lot and if you get towed and/or if they close the gates you're more or less screwed.

If you're not in the band, you might be lucky and find a place on the same street (it's free), otherwise you can park in the paralell street, take Empire street, pass AS220 keep straight, take a right at the 2nd light, then the first right and that's the street I'm talking about.
[Mar 2,2005 12:48pm - soilworker ""]
thank you all you have been very helpful!
[Mar 2,2005 2:00pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
the parking lot i speak of is a 2 min walk though the courtyard and i asked one of their sec. guards if i could park there for a couple hours before and he said the place was closed and it was cool. been parking there for as-220 shows ever since. they wont tow you unless it is the middle of the day and people who work there are there.
[Mar 2,2005 2:00pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
just make sure when you take your rights around the block, you go into the 2nd parking lot entrance, not the 1st. the 1st lot has late workers
[Mar 2,2005 5:52pm - pisscup ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:just make sure when you take your rights around the block, you go into the 2nd parking lot entrance, not the 1st. the 1st lot has late workers

the 2nd entrance will also have junkies pretending to be parking lot attendants after the real ones have left. chase them and threaten them with violence. If they come back with the cops, you're fucked. otherwise, just pretend like nothing happened and watch your back.
[Mar 2,2005 5:59pm - dan.  ""]
pisscup said:the 2nd entrance will also have junkies pretending to be parking lot attendants after the real ones have left. chase them and threaten them with violence. If they come back with the cops, you're fucked. otherwise, just pretend like nothing happened and watch your back.

hahahhha ive experienced this
[Mar 2,2005 6:08pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
oh fo real? either way ill park there anyways, leave the real or fake parking attendents alone, and party. what the hell is a fake parking attendent gonna do anyways?
[Mar 2,2005 6:17pm - pisscup ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:what the hell is a fake parking attendent gonna do anyways?

bully you out of your money if your naive enough to go for it.
[Mar 2,2005 6:31pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
thanks for the heads up. ill make sure to act accordingly if i encounter this
[Mar 3,2005 1:57pm - chrisabomb ""]
just so everybody knows; the monster truck show is @ the dunkin donuts center this weekend so its gonna be hard to find a parking spot unless you get there early...
[Mar 3,2005 2:04pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
go park on Broadway then...it's not that far from AS220...5 to 10 minutes walk depending how far down you park on the street.
[Mar 3,2005 2:06pm - the_reverend ""]
monster turcks! yeah!
[Mar 4,2005 1:08am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
[Mar 4,2005 11:13am - the_reverend ""]

soilworker, get in touch with me about carpooling.
[Mar 4,2005 11:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
is Himmler definately going? It would be awesome to see hang with him again
[Mar 4,2005 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
well, he was asking about parking... so I figured.
I also figured if he wanted to carpool down with carina and I from Portsmouth, it's totally do able.
[Mar 4,2005 11:42am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
does anyone remember the old school monster trucks that was basically a full size civilian truck with bigass tires?

or when they used to crush cars, not jump over them?
[Mar 4,2005 11:46am - KillerKadoogan ""]
crushing cars is totally offensive

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