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TONIGHT - The Red Chord , The Taste of Silver, The_Network - $6 - all ages - The Aviary, Dover, NH

[show listing]  _________________________________________________
[Feb 28,2005 2:38pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

6pm be there on time.
[Feb 28,2005 2:41pm - FeedMeYourDead ""]
I'll be there around 5ish.
[Feb 28,2005 2:42pm - RustedAngel ""]
ahhh, another thread...nick this show will do fine without any further advertising...

i thought posting the address was forbidden?
[Feb 28,2005 2:43pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I figured enough people would drop out for fear of snow or last-minute lathargy. Address posting is forbidden till the day of I guess.
[Feb 28,2005 2:44pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
per order of me
[Feb 28,2005 2:44pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
or you could just go to the red chord's website and get the address !
[Feb 28,2005 9:17pm - mOe_rk ""]
i would have gone but no one was available to go with me and the storm (WHICH HASNT EVEN FUCKING STARTED HERE YET) ruined the plans...fuck
[Feb 28,2005 10:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I called ra like a couple times when he was there.
still waiting for them to get here...
[Mar 1,2005 2:38am - RustedAngel ""]

[Mar 1,2005 2:43am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
damn !
[Mar 1,2005 3:31am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
what a fucking awesome awesome show.

I'll review it later.

Dan Poulin is the man.
[Mar 1,2005 8:46am - RustedAngel ""]
[Mar 1,2005 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
I clicked through the pictures and I can't believe how packed it is in there. it must have been a sweat box.
[Mar 1,2005 9:15am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
look at the pictures of Mike, the guitarist with the long hair, in order. He gets progressively drenched in more and more sweat. hahahah.
[Mar 1,2005 9:22am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
*Pray For A Plague -- So josh is out of the band, and Kyle had to work. That left Tim and Alex, who played some new stuff, some old stuff, but pretty much just stuff while people did PFAP Karaoke and shared the microphone. A total of something like 6-7 different people improvised vocals over songs. It was pretty funny, and a good time, though it sounded as you would have expected. I think Joe from Shaniqua is gonna be on 2nd Axe soon.

*The_Network -- This was one of the best times I'd seen them by far. They wrecked so much equipment it was crazy. At the end Pete jumped onto Tim while he played drums, then Tim jumped over the drum kit and got his crotch caught on his rack toms. This ripped the penis area of his pants and looked like it hurt like a bitch as he hung there for about a minute as everyone just stared. At one point the kid next to me said, "Maybe somebody should help him?" and his friend said, "Nah just let him stay there, it's funnier." They did a great job though.

*The Taste of Silver -- we love playing the aviary cause everyone goes crazy and it's like this big fun fest. My equipment is still something I'm getting fixed up ever since the great Bombshelter Equipment Explosion of '05. Nevertheless, we got some really good reviews and we played much much tighter than friday night.

*The Red Chord -- holy shit. Awesome performance. These guys put in tons of energy, played really tightly, and even backed that up with a sweet set an hour or so later on RttP. Everyone went fucking NUTS for them. Alex PFAP got them on tape so I bet he'll have a video online soon. One of the best shows I've been to, hands down.

On the whole, everyone was really really cool and respectful. A Great night, a tremendously successful show. Dan Poulin knows how to bring the mosh but still keep it tons of fun and hilarious when necessary. Alex PFAP was awesome for doing this. Three cheers for the shop keep!
[Mar 1,2005 9:45am - stainless ""]
hey taste of cigarettes send me a price on that mic chord endtransmission@hotmail.com that sucked but tim was seriously hanging on his rack for minute+ sick show thanks to everyone that came out
[Mar 1,2005 12:35pm - theyuppiegrinder ""]

im confused as to whats going on here.
[Mar 1,2005 1:23pm - jonnyrites ""]
what a fucking amazing night in dover. i just kept thinking "i can't believe this show is happening 2 minutes from my house"....good times, good kids.
[Mar 1,2005 1:58pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Nick did you play any Aganihm or was that a one time only thing !
[Mar 1,2005 2:02pm - danny_p ""]
nick you are too good to me! hahaha

thanks for the big ups

big up yourself

[Mar 1,2005 3:03pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
nah the Aganihm was just to get Kyle and Brian's attention at the Dee Dee's show.

though, judging by Kyle completely missing the joke, I imagine we failed

we might cover DSD again the future, in full, though.

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