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anyone wanna ride with me to danzig tonight?

[Feb 28,2005 12:52pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
My friend just pussed out hardcore and I don't feel like driving alone. I live in South Windsor Connecticut and I'll be leaving from here.
[Feb 28,2005 2:59pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
so, nobody wants a free ride to go see Danzig? I don't blame you.
[Feb 28,2005 3:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Maybe. IF you pay fpr my ticket.
[Feb 28,2005 3:03pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Feb 28,2005 3:05pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Feb 28,2005 3:06pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
i feel your pain.
[Feb 28,2005 3:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
That's my penis.
[Feb 28,2005 3:08pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I feel your penis.
[Feb 28,2005 3:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
It pulsates for thee.
[Feb 28,2005 10:32pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
that's the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.
[Feb 28,2005 10:51pm - metalmatt666 ""]
why does everyone here hate Danzig so fucking much
[Mar 1,2005 10:33am - swamplorddvm ""]
I don't hate Danzig. (so fucking much)
[Mar 1,2005 1:37pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
swamplorddvm said:I don't hate Danzig. (so fucking much)

[Mar 1,2005 1:41pm - Josh_Martin ""]
metalmatt666 said:why does everyone here hate Danzig so fucking much

What's not to hate? A middle-aged fatso who tries to act like he's still a tough guy who hasn't had a good record since 1983. Ever wonder why so many fat chicks like Danzig?

[Mar 1,2005 2:29pm - Abraxas ""]
But if ya wanna bang heads wit me, I can show you what its like...

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