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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to AUTOPSY_666.
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[QUOTE="AUTOPSY_666:219861"]Just reporting what I find, ouch! http://www.metal-archives.com/review.php?id=45931 "Utter shite - 2% Written by AtteroDeus on February 1st, 2005 To be honest, I normally prefer to steer clear of things which could easily be thought of as slander when reviewing a bands release. There are however exceptions I make to the rule, usually when said material is so diabolically crap that it warrants such remarks. Up until now I'd reserved such comments for the compulsory-lobotomy-necassary rubbish that MORTICIAN churn out, but after listening to 'Rise Of A Dead Empire' I feel inspired to vent my vitriol again. Quite honestly, with music like this - where a lot of bad albums can at least blame the production for stripping the quality from the songs or other such factors - ASCENDANCY actually show just why a band as boring as this are unsigned, and dare I say it, destined to remain unsigned and hopefully ignored for the indefinate future. None of the structures, riffs, songs or even lyrics remotely garners any interest whatsoever; it's all content to just make a big relatively incoherent (read: atonal aural blur) noise on record, just so the band can boast they've released an album. There's no power, brutality, musicianship, groove, or any semblence of anything at all that makes even a remotely decent extreme Metal song, just plain noise. To be honest, I'm getting sick of the thought alone of this crap just sitting here reviewing it, let alone listening to it. Never even dream of spending money on this rubbish. Trust me, it's twenty-two minutes and eight seconds of your life you'll be lamenting you wasted on this shit." [/QUOTE]
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