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someone give me some stuff to download

[Jun 25,2003 4:21pm - hybrid not logged in  ""]
hey im stuck in massachusetts right now (i live in NH) and im looking for some new stuff to download while im bored... suggestions are welcome. anything really, i like melodic stuff and breakdowns mostpart... anything like that.
[Jun 25,2003 4:25pm - the_reverend ""]
caliban or the black dahlia murder
[Jun 25,2003 4:43pm - M.A.H.C.  ""]
[Jun 25,2003 5:04pm - hybrid not logged in  ""]
cool. going to check them out right now...
[Jun 25,2003 6:56pm - dysenterytom ""]
www.mp3s.com/thenumbertwelvelookslikeyou sick fuckin grindcore, the best in my opinion..

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