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New red chord song.

[Feb 25,2005 9:28am - ThoseNotOnTheAss ""]
Brutal stuff.

[Feb 25,2005 9:33am - menstrual_Sweatpants_disco ""]
[Feb 25,2005 9:34am - dan.  ""]
menstrual_Sweatpants_disco said:http://www.dictionary.com

[Feb 25,2005 10:29am - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
menstrual_Sweatpants_disco said:http://www.dictionary.com

owned - p
[Feb 25,2005 10:39am - ThoseNotOnTheAss ""]
Actually, I was just bumbarded with faggotry. no care.
[Feb 25,2005 10:52am - dirtycrayon  ""]
my friend forbes contributed some piccolo trumpet to the title track of "clients", the next album coming from the red chord. it will be out on metalblade records in late may.
[Feb 25,2005 10:54am - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
ThoseNotOnTheAss said:Actually, I was just bumbarded with faggotry. no care.

jackson you wrote "no care" like you were on lambgoat
[Feb 25,2005 11:08am - ThoseNotOnTheAss ""]
I am a lambgoat preppy dave.
[Feb 25,2005 11:10am - Paullll  ""]
Ok I know im gonna get so much shit for saying this , but im saying it anyways. First the production is good and they play tight but they need to concentrate on finding their own sound. They blatantly stole a buried alive riff it doesnt sound like it ,its just stolen. I think the lows in the song sound like the current chris barnes (which isnt a good thing). There are little DM tidbits here and there kinda trying to sound like cryptopsy maybe. I have heard many bands who have played these riffs before, and played them longer and better. I think Ill go throw on anything by buried alive, cryptopsy or the dillenger escape plan, you get better vocals and what you actually want to hear. Sorry fellas I think this band gets way to much credit.
[Feb 25,2005 11:16am - ThoseNotOnTheAss ""]
The red chord prides itself on taking elements from all different genres to make their music. That is just they play. *Gives you shit*
[Feb 25,2005 11:16am - ThoseNotOnTheAss ""]
[Feb 25,2005 11:19am - Anthony ""]
Paullll said:Ok I know im gonna get so much shit for saying this , but im saying it anyways. First the production is good and they play tight but they need to concentrate on finding their own sound. They blatantly stole a buried alive riff it doesnt sound like it ,its just stolen. I think the lows in the song sound like the current chris barnes (which isnt a good thing). There are little DM tidbits here and there kinda trying to sound like cryptopsy maybe. I have heard many bands who have played these riffs before, and played them longer and better. I think Ill go throw on anything by buried alive, cryptopsy or the dillenger escape plan, you get better vocals and what you actually want to hear. Sorry fellas I think this band gets way to much credit.

That song was good, but I do agree that the Red Chord seem to get more credit than they're due.

Nonetheless, great band and very cool song! I think I'm gonna buy this album.

[Feb 25,2005 5:49pm - intricateprocess ""]
good song
[Feb 25,2005 6:08pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
sounds like The red chord to me. I like.
[Feb 25,2005 6:59pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
sounds fucking awesome
[Feb 25,2005 7:01pm - Hooker ""]
he sounds like oderus on some of it.
[Feb 25,2005 7:36pm - mike.........  ""]
im dissapointed with the song. its pretty generic sounding and the vocals seem kinda weak. im still excited for the new album though.
[Feb 25,2005 11:45pm - jabu  ""]
i'm into it
[Feb 26,2005 12:27am - nick ""]
this song is pretty weak.
but then again its pretty hard to top an album that spawned 1,000 TRC clone bands overnight.
[Feb 26,2005 10:01am - anonymous  ""]
i agree.
[Feb 26,2005 10:07am - thegreatspaldino ""]
lamer than Christopher Reeve's legs. (especially because he is a dead cripple)
[Feb 26,2005 11:32am - aterribleguitarist ""]
this band really went down the shitter after they fired me
[Feb 26,2005 11:34am - mOe_rk ""]
the song is good...i just had my hopes up too high for it. It doesnt really sound like Guy doing vocals it sounds like someone else. What happened to those nasty ass lows he used to do!? The song also has a touch of a toughguy sound to it as well. I'll still buy the album but they're capable of a lot better than that song. Hopefully, most of the other songs on that cd are better.
[Feb 26,2005 12:05pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
the songs I've heard live were better then this, this is boring.
[Feb 28,2005 7:29pm - the_reverend ""]
what I've heard of the other songs, they sound nothing like this. I like this song since I hear influnces from bloodbath (on the vocals) to mastodon (the guitar work). it does sound a little but like buried alive, but that's from the new drummer. his style isn't as tight and techy as the other two drumming machines.
[Feb 28,2005 9:12pm - mOe_rk ""]
yeah, fucking John Dow and Mike Justain...two guys who are just wasting their talent

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