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Morbid Angel

[Feb 22,2005 10:54am - th3rdknuckle ""]
Am I the only one who thinks that at least some of the drums on "Gateways..." are a drum machine?
[Feb 22,2005 11:05am - RustedAngel ""]
no, because they are not.
[Feb 22,2005 11:13am - Anthony ""]
Sandoval is a freakin' machine dood
[Feb 22,2005 12:10pm - morkul ""]
Yeah, get with the program. It's all Petey..
[Feb 22,2005 1:10pm - DEATH2ALL NLI  ""]
it's all triggers. I could see how you think that.
[Feb 22,2005 1:14pm - RustedAngel ""]
nothing wrong with triggers. when you're playing speeds like that it's best to make it so you can hear each hit rather than just a wall of "boooooooooom" like most shows downstairs at the palladium.
[Feb 22,2005 1:50pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
well, triggers i guess is what i meant
yeah, that's it
i just kind of meant that those aren't live mic'd drums
um, yeah... honest
[Feb 22,2005 2:40pm - epic warrior  ""]
arent triggers technically the same thing as electronic drums, all it does is basically make your whole drum head a trigger for the machine to make the sound as opposed to some rinky dink little black pad
[Feb 22,2005 2:41pm - Hooker ""]
It's an electronic drum kit. They admited that in interviews before that album came out.
[Feb 22,2005 2:47pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
big difference between 'drum machine' (where someone programs the beats and fills) and an 'electronic set' (where someone plays the kit and the sound is not live mic'd but processed electronically).

at least if it's an electronic kit, there's actual playing involved

no denying the guy is an amazing drummer
[Feb 22,2005 2:49pm - Christraper ""]
ah the neverending trigger debate....
[Feb 22,2005 2:49pm - Hooker ""]
I know there's a difference. I'm just saying according to Trey and Pete, they used an electronic kit.
[Feb 22,2005 2:52pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
it's cool, i wasn't responding to your post specifically
just clarifying my opinion after getting all the facts

when first heard it i thought it was programmed
[Feb 22,2005 3:11pm - litacore just arrived from Morgoth  ""]
Christraper said:ah the neverending trigger debate....

Typewriters! *clack-clack*

triggers are OK w/me live, especially Palladium downstairs haha

studio I prefer the balance at 60% acoustic and 40% MAXIMUM triggered signal.

Acoustic=warm and heavy. Just listen to Lair of the Minotaur or the drum sound on 'At War with Satan'
[Feb 22,2005 6:14pm - Kalopsia ""]
the kick drums on Gateways to Annihilation are ALL digital programming. pete recorded the drums, then they completely deleted his kick drums, and replaces it with a drum machine. i honestly don't remember where i heard this from, i know it was a credible source. i of course acknowledge the fact that pete is a great drummer and i do believe he can play all those parts.
[Feb 22,2005 6:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
new Behemoth drums are the definition of TRIGGERED.
[Feb 22,2005 8:05pm - Aegathis ""]
I personally prefer the sound of UNtriggered drums but I am not against triggers. What i dont get is how some people think its cheating, like its a way to cover up how they suck or something. No offense to Mike of Leukorrhea but his triggers dont cover up the fact that hes sloppy here and there, considering he doesnt always have the time to practice being that dad of 2 kids and all.
[Feb 22,2005 8:05pm - Aegathis ""]
But yea when your doing fuckin 250 bpm on the bass drums it doesnt always sound as great with out the triggers.
[Feb 22,2005 8:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
I think triggers do nothing but HELP drummers.
[Feb 22,2005 8:20pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Unless you're using triggers that can pick up dynamics, I don't think they benefit a lot of bands that use them. Your average Death Metal or Black Metal band is best with a nice warm, organic acoustic drum sound. Of course in the case of bands that are going for a mechanical sound, like THE BERZERKER or SAMAEL, triggers can be great, but a majority of bands that use them should not. I much prefer the drum sounds on the MORBID ANGEL shit through COVENANT to that afterwards (though FFTF was a fairly nice unprocessed production in all departments).

As for downstairs at the Palladium, most Death Metal bands sound like shit down there, and I wouldn't discount the possibility that the triggered kicks contribute to that. MORBID ANGEL does sound good there though, probably cause they have an actual road crew and their own sound guy and shit.
[Feb 22,2005 8:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
Alex is one of the few people I have met in my life that I do refer to as an authority on metal.
[Feb 22,2005 8:24pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha thanks a lot Josh, I'm just a mere man though. Pretty effin awesome at times, but still just one of the people.
[Feb 22,2005 8:34pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I always remember hearing peeps at the palladium explaining to their friends that triggers make 4 hits everytime the drummer actually hits. I try and explain to them that it just makes the drum sound the same everytime it's hit, but they never believe me.
[Feb 22,2005 8:34pm - BornSoVile ""]
I was lead to believe taht you were a violent nazi sympathizer who has a very ignorant taste in metal and is incredibly intolerant to anyone who opposes them. and then we smoked weed.
Gateways is my 2nd most unfavorite MA album right now, #1 is Domination.
[Feb 22,2005 8:49pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
BornSoVile said:I was lead to believe taht you were a violent nazi sympathizer who has a very ignorant taste in metal and is incredibly intolerant to anyone who opposes them.

Hahaha, fuck... I hope not all of that is coming from Terrance!
[Feb 22,2005 8:51pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
That was a joke by the way, pals.

[Feb 22,2005 8:51pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
i think the trigger debate rivals the metal vs hardcore debate as the dumbest debate we've ever had
[Feb 22,2005 9:06pm - Aegathis ""]
the bass drum at my house has a big crack in the head. I taped it up and when I play it now it almost sounds like a triggered bass drum, haha. Except now it doesnt give ya the recoil to play really fast, guess im gonna need to replace the head.
[Feb 22,2005 10:53pm - DEATH2ALL NLI  ""]
BornSoVile said:I think triggers do nothing but HELP drummers.

Hell yeah. I have a video of Goratory (back in the day), at the paladium downstairs. The only thing you can make out is my kicks & my snare.
The difference is night & day. It's way to hard to get a good mix w/ 2 mic'd kicks @ a show. especially w/ many bands. I run most of my shit thru my own mixer, b4 the house PA... If you can't hear me, I just turn myself up!
[Feb 23,2005 2:32am - Kalopsia ""]
CarrotsandSticks said:I always remember hearing peeps at the palladium explaining to their friends that triggers make 4 hits everytime the drummer actually hits. I try and explain to them that it just makes the drum sound the same everytime it's hit, but they never believe me.

it's very simple HOW THE FUCK CAN A DRUMMER PULL THAT OFF!!!??? if you have the patience and the skill to be able to play twice as slow as you're supposed to be, IN PERFECT TIME, and you're coming out twice as fast through the PA, thanks to triggers, then you have the fuckin patience and skill to learn how to play fast double bass.

think about this for a second. let's say Pete Sandoval uses triggers to make his kick drums go twice as fast as he's really playing. he has his drum machine set up to do that........ what about the slower parts when he only needs ONE hit at a time. what does he hire a sound guy to switch drum samples every time he's gotta do that? give me a fuckin break.

My drummer George uses triggers for one reason and one reason alone, so that his bass drums can be heard both at practice and live. we've played bars before, set up on the fucking floor with the crowd. if george didn't trigger his bass drums, he might as well have not even brought them, cause you'd have never heard them.

TRIGGERS MAKE THE DRUMS AUDIBLE AND CLEAR!!!!! that is all. here's how a drum trigger works kiddies. gather 'round. you take the trigger, a small piece of metal, and clamp it onto the bass drum. when you do, there is a sensor that touches the drum head. when you play your kick drums, that sensor detects every time you hit the drum. that sensor sends a signal to a drum brain, which is used to program how the trigger will sound through the PA. the signal is then sent to the PA. the result is a clear, precise, kick drum. yea it can help cover up when a drummer is starting to play lighter cause he's getting tired from playing, but so what? is that really worth bitching about?

Drum Triggers 101, class is dismissed.
[Feb 23,2005 5:51pm - morkul ""]
Kalopsia said:the kick drums on Gateways to Annihilation are ALL digital programming. pete recorded the drums, then they completely deleted his kick drums, and replaces it with a drum machine. i honestly don't remember where i heard this from, i know it was a credible source. i of course acknowledge the fact that pete is a great drummer and i do believe he can play all those parts.

I think your source is full of shit personally. Pete is not the kind of drummer who would let someone come and digitalize the drumming. It's not in his work ethic at all. Credible source, sounds more like jealous drummer who cannot achieve such speeds.
[Feb 23,2005 6:56pm - Kalopsia ""]
morkul said:Kalopsia said:the kick drums on Gateways to Annihilation are ALL digital programming. pete recorded the drums, then they completely deleted his kick drums, and replaces it with a drum machine. i honestly don't remember where i heard this from, i know it was a credible source. i of course acknowledge the fact that pete is a great drummer and i do believe he can play all those parts.

I think your source is full of shit personally. Pete is not the kind of drummer who would let someone come and digitalize the drumming. It's not in his work ethic at all. Credible source, sounds more like jealous drummer who cannot achieve such speeds.

nah it wasn't a drummer. like i said, i wasn't 100% sure, and i was told this years ago. you can simply disregard it

[Feb 23,2005 7:07pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
My curiousity as to who is calling me a closedminded, violent, Nazi-sympathizer wasn't a joke Josh!
[Feb 23,2005 8:02pm - DEATH2ALL NLI  ""]
It is totally possible to play that fast & accurate, w/o help from a machine. triggered, heel to toe, tallent. check out the worlds fastest drummer contests, they blow gateways away.

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