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has the art of death metal bass gone to the shitter?

[Jun 23,2003 8:34pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
so after having seen some fast bands and whatnot... i noticed that every bass player what went fast used a pick. and then i noticed that a ton of bands that are fast have bassists that use a pick. whatever happened to fast fingerstyle bassing? i mean... yeah... people have the freedom to play it how they want but its a fuggin bass for christ sakes. we need more people that use their right hand with out a pick (or left if they are a lefty). so yeah... does anyone else agree with me here? or does everyone not give a rat's ass, hahaha
[Jun 23,2003 8:50pm - the_reverend ""]
are basses those funny guitars they usually give to the girl in the band if she can't play keyboards?
[Jun 23,2003 8:54pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Jun 23,2003 9:00pm - brad kevorkians  ""]
our bass player uses his fingers. he also uses a pick depending on the song.
we have some songs to download on the site. Castration of Christ is one i know he used his fingers for

we have a show thursday the 26th in Pawtucket RI BTW
[Jun 23,2003 10:18pm - blue ""]
it is quite rare now i must agree. theres only a few that stand out for me. dimmu, cryptopsy and corpse all have great fingerstyle bassits though.
[Jun 23,2003 10:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
never forget CANDIRIA..

right spaldino? :NEWHORNS:
[Jun 23,2003 10:37pm - blue ""]
oh yes, candiria. one of the best death metal bands of our time.
[Jun 23,2003 10:42pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
When I saw the bassist of Behemoth play, it was fucked. It wasn't regular finger picking at all. More like using all of his fingers as picks really really fast. His hand was literally a blur.
[Jun 23,2003 10:48pm - db  ""]
behemoth is amazing.
ben from soilent green/goatwhore uses his fingers. so does this guy:
[Jun 24,2003 12:15am - thegreatspaldino ""]
well... Candiria has a funk/jazz bassist. its just a given that he uses his fingers. and yes... its a fact: Alex Webster (Cannibal Corpse) owns you all
[Jun 24,2003 12:25am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Behemoth's bassist played all slap with finger-picking, best bassist I've ever seen live, I could hear almost every note too. Insanity + clarity = :NEWHORNS:
[Jun 24,2003 2:03am - joostin ""]
i'm not good enough to use only my fingers, but honestly, i plan on working at it.
hopefully for june29th i'll be pickless just for you rev
[Jun 24,2003 2:06am - the_reverend ""]
pick-less, but for gods sake, not top less.
[Jun 24,2003 2:12am - thegreatspaldino ""]
*puts shirt back on* awww man =(
[Jun 24,2003 12:26pm - corpsegrinder0123 ""]
I play bass ina death metal band and I triple pick with my fingers. I like the sound I get from using my fingers more than a pick. It just sounds cooler.:middlefinger:

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