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ATTN: Ye Congregation of Bass Players

[Feb 18,2005 10:34am - timMa ""]
I've been switching over from guitar to bass alot lately, but the problem being that I'm playing the damn thing through a guitar practice amp. I want to go to Daddy's or something a get a decent used bass amp, but I'm not too sure what to look for. any suggestions?
[Feb 18,2005 11:17am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
more loud
[Feb 18,2005 11:20am - litacore ""]
head and cab.

Gallien Krueger
Peavey something
[Feb 18,2005 12:32pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Ampeg or Mesa-Boogie
[Feb 18,2005 2:34pm - blue ""]
tim. you jackass. you know well enough to just take me out with you.
[Feb 18,2005 2:54pm - niccolai ""]
What's your budget? What kindof volume do you need?
For a half stack, stay the fuck away from the gallien backline series and check out the Hartke VX3600 it runs about 600-700$

For a full, checkout Carvin's 'red eye' bass stack at carvin.com it's about 1100
[Feb 18,2005 11:14pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
hartke makes a pretty decent 4x10 cab that you can get used for like... 250 and just play on as many different heads as possible until you find one that you like that is in your range.
[Feb 18,2005 11:30pm - dunwich ""]
I second Carvin and Hartke.
[Feb 18,2005 11:47pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
SWR is always good too, thats what i use to play
[Feb 19,2005 12:40am - timMa ""]
blue said:tim. you jackass. you know well enough to just take me out with you.

yeah, but you only like the "cool kid" stuff. I just need something that works ...mr elito guitar man. :moe:
[Feb 19,2005 2:16am - BornSoVile ""]
Ampeg Cabs
Hartke Heads
if you got extra money, line 6 is mint too.
[Feb 19,2005 9:46am - niccolai ""]
I would personally avoid SWR.
That may sound like blsphemy, but I saw thier new import line and the quality is kindof slipping. If you do have your heart set on an SWR, try and fine one pre 2003.
If at all possable, stick with carvin. They don't go through dealers, so they charge you cheap ass factory direct prices.

This is 1000$ and comes with casters, a speakon connecter, and an insane warranty. (you can get the half stack version for about 800$) Both the full and half stack punch 1000 watts. yea, those are 3 zeros [img]

If thats high, than this is the hartke I was talking about.
My hartke rips my friend Mike's SWR half stack into pieces and the carvin sounds almost exactly like it but the carvin has a few more options and double the volume. The hartke pushes 350 watts and goes for like 650$
[Feb 19,2005 10:02am - timMa ""]
sweet merciful crap that carvin is ridonkulous. i could invade a small third world country with that thing. thanks for the info everyone :NEWHORNS:
[Feb 19,2005 10:19am - th3rdknuckle ""]
if you're just looking for somthing to practice through, and don't mind buying used, get a Peavy, They last forever, so their stuff used is very likely to be in great shape, but priced right.

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