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Metal behavior

[Feb 17,2005 2:53pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Walking hunched over, making weird grins, air blast beast, shaking my fist in the air, alone in my room...

Bands that make me do this...



Dying fetus





Any one else?:spineyes::NEWHORNS::satancross:
[Feb 17,2005 2:55pm - niccolai ""]
I'll haveto second Rhapsody.
[Feb 17,2005 3:04pm - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 17,2005 3:05pm - Christraper ""]
King Diamond
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Barry Manilowe
[Feb 17,2005 3:06pm - paganmegan ""]
Barry Manilowe???? hahahaha
[Feb 17,2005 3:37pm - Christraper ""]
Barry Manilowe rocks harder than anyone. Even Rod Stewart.
[Feb 17,2005 3:39pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Ive yet to see some one air blast beast!!
[Feb 17,2005 3:40pm - Christraper ""]
Even though i bear absolutely no drumming skills whatsoever ill admit ive been nerdy enough on occasion to air blast beat...
[Feb 17,2005 3:41pm - nate NLI  ""]
dude, I can air blast beat like a mutha fucka!
[Feb 17,2005 3:43pm - Christraper ""]
I have to hold back alot when im driving alone in my car duiring a traffic jam or something
[Feb 17,2005 3:47pm - InVitroCannibalization ""]
swamplorddvm said:Walking hunched over, making weird grins, air blast beast, shaking my fist in the air, alone in my room...

Any one else?:spineyes::NEWHORNS::satancross:

Alexi Laho's guitar solos, and Flo Mounier's drumming ability make my pink panties moist.
[Feb 17,2005 4:16pm - SuperFly ""]
I like to rock out to CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL while drinking beers and cooking steak tips, YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 17,2005 4:19pm - SuperFly ""]
Then again I guess that wouldn't qualify as "METAL" behavior.
But I don't really give a shit.
[Feb 17,2005 6:55pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Niden Div. 187
[Feb 17,2005 6:56pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
There's really too many bands to list that make me do these types of actions.

If there's ONE thing all the ''nerds'' did in high school, it's air blast.
[Feb 17,2005 7:00pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Since I'm the embodiement of trueness whenever a kvlt evil composition is played I prefer to cross my arms and sneer in disdain at the effort these posers put into playing music.
[Feb 17,2005 7:02pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Seriously though, does anyone make "drum noises" going "dodododododoo" for blast beats and throwing in a "doosh!" to represent a cymbal crash?
[Feb 17,2005 7:14pm - jellyfish ""]
Christraper said:Barry Manilowe rocks harder than anyone. Even Rod Stewart.

not possible.
[Feb 17,2005 7:48pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Seriously though, does anyone make "drum noises" going "dodododododoo" for blast beats and throwing in a "doosh!" to represent a cymbal crash?

I can honestly say I do that all the time, along with the air blast beats accompanied by the occational pig squeel. People who sit next to me in school must think i have turettes like a mothafucka
[Feb 17,2005 8:31pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Isn't RHAPSODY a gay Power Metal band?!
[Feb 17,2005 8:33pm - Blue ""]
a lot less gay.
[Feb 17,2005 10:37pm - Abbath ""]
Leviathan make me grin and feel grim thoughtout his entire albums
[Feb 22,2005 12:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Seriously though, does anyone make "drum noises" going "dodododododoo" for blast beats and throwing in a "doosh!" to represent a cymbal crash?

HAHH yeah sometimes, yo.

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