So I am off to the funeral home...[views:3703][posts:30]_____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 9:37am - Scoracrasia ""] Hoping to land an apprenticeship there and I will be going back to college for Mortuary science. Should be a good time plus I know someone that works there so that helps. Good business to get into because it is job security. People are always croaking. Wish me luck!!! |
_______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 9:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""] Good luck! |
__________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 9:39am - litacore ""] don't forget to listen to Necrotism Descanting the Insalibrious on the way there and back |
__________________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 9:39am - davefromthegrave ""] good luck. can you get me a human skull? I want one to use for a hood ornament on my car. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 9:47am - Scoracrasia ""] Haha, well, I was going to rip some Exhumed in the car but I shall rip that too on the way home from the place. Davefromthegrave, I will see what I can do!! Haha, let me get my foot in the door first, Then I will swipe someone's head!:NEWHORNS: |
__________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 9:48am - litacore ""] some exhumed would be primo, maybe a deeds of flesh cd too haha, you're going to need a funeral parlor commute playlist. REPRESENT! |
_____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 9:52am - Scoracrasia ""] litacore said:some exhumed would be primo, maybe a deeds of flesh cd too haha, you're going to need a funeral parlor commute playlist. REPRESENT! Haha, damn right!! I am going to rip some Gronibard as well. I like the sound of that: funeral parlor commute playlist!:skull: Well, I am off. I will be back soon and I will let you all know how it went...... |
______________________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 10:30am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] haha, good luck byron. i know you'll get the job the way, gimme a call sometime soon so we can discuss the scoracrasia shit |
____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 10:42am - dreadkill ""] good luck dude |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 10:58am - Scoracrasia ""] Thanks all for the luck because it looks like I got the job. It must have been my charm, haha yeah right. Yeah Mark i will call you today or tonight. I was going to call you last night but my son was sick so I was a bit preoccupied. That storm really fucked shit up for us to meet. Mike, the drummer for Leukorrhea said he would drum for us and he said we can rip at his house and/or is willing to break his shit down and come up there so it is looking good. when is the best time to reach you bro? |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 11:04am - Christraper ""] Every time i tried to get a job at a cemetary or funeral home nobody would ever fucking hire me!!! |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 11:06am - Scoracrasia ""] Christraper said:Every time i tried to get a job at a cemetary or funeral home nobody would ever fucking hire me!!! They suck! You already qualify in my book you sick fuck!:doublehorns: |
___________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 11:10am - litacore ""] The Undertaker is IN |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 11:31am - Christraper ""] Scoracrasia said:Christraper said:Every time i tried to get a job at a cemetary or funeral home nobody would ever fucking hire me!!! They suck! You already qualify in my book you sick fuck!:doublehorns: Thats what im sayin! I always came in dressed nicely and ive got a decent resume for someone my age. I guess when they asked what position i was looking for and i said "anything" that kinda put them off. |
___________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 11:33am - litacore ""] Christraper said:Scoracrasia said:Christraper said:Every time i tried to get a job at a cemetary or funeral home nobody would ever fucking hire me!!! They suck! You already qualify in my book you sick fuck!:doublehorns: Thats what im sayin! I always came in dressed nicely and ive got a decent resume for someone my age. I guess when they asked what position i was looking for and i said "anything" that kinda put them off. hahaha, should've just told them, "I love dealing with stiffs":ralphie: |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 11:41am - Christraper ""] "I like dead stuff, can I work here?" |
_________________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 11:42am - DEATH2ALL NLI ""] CONGATS MAN! My grandfather was an undertaker. My mom used to tell me all kinds of freaky stories, cause they actually lived in the funeral home... Corpses letting out that final breath, fart, burp, muscle twitches... creepy. |
_________________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 11:56am - Josh_hates_you ""] i used to work with a girl who's husband was an undertaker and they lived in the funeral home. she was one of the strangest human beings i have ever met. |
_______________________________ [Feb 16,2005 12:03pm - nate ""] Josh_hates_you said:i used to work with a girl who's husband was an undertaker and they lived in the funeral home. she was one of the strangest human beings i have ever met. Sorry Byron but... in repsonse to your post Josh I'd have to say, you've got to meet Byron if you thought she was strange! BAHAHA! The job fits him perfectly! |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 12:28pm - Scoracrasia ""] nate said:Josh_hates_you said:i used to work with a girl who's husband was an undertaker and they lived in the funeral home. she was one of the strangest human beings i have ever met. Sorry Byron but... in repsonse to your post Josh I'd have to say, you've got to meet Byron if you thought she was strange! BAHAHA! The job fits him perfectly! Haha, it is true. The dead don't bother me or gore or anything. I am desensitized for some reason. The living disturb me more than the dead. You gotta be a little bit off kilter to get involved in this business.:thescream: |
______________________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 12:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] "the living disturb me more than the dead"....that is the quote of the day in my book. anywho, call me anytime after like 2:30 pm and we'll discuss the band biz |
_____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 12:39pm - Aegathis ""] If i dont get a job soon , Ill be thrown outa of the house and eventually end up in one of those places any way. I guess thats enought to get me in the right fram to work at a place like that. |
___________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 1:02pm - nate NLI ""] Anthony, you and James should try get a place! |
_____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 1:10pm - Scoracrasia ""] Cool Mark, I will give you a buzz after I get the kids settled into bed tonight. Just a bit easier than being interrupted by them constantly. |
____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 1:39pm - Aegathis ""] nate NLI said:Anthony, you and James should try get a place! The only way the both of us would afford to move out on our own is if we decided to stop going to school and just work full time,we both are paying for our own educations which is about 350 a month, along with paying our parents rent,cell phones etc So its like we're already out on our own to some extent except with few more essentials. But niether of us are having any luck getting any jobs at the moment. I think one factor thats preventing me from getting a job is trying to secure times for practice and playing shows. |
___________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 1:54pm - nate NLI ""] ah hah |
____________________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 1:59pm - Todd(Bombshelter) ""] The 1st Mortician demo, woulda been my choice for listening |
_____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 2:24pm - Scoracrasia ""] The 1st Mortician demo is a good call too. |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 2:29pm - swamplorddvm ""] Scoracrasia said:Hoping to land an apprenticeship there and I will be going back to college for Mortuary science. Should be a good time plus I know someone that works there so that helps. Good business to get into because it is job security. People are always croaking. Wish me luck!!! I almost worked at a funeral home.:NEWHORNS: |
_____________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 2:57pm - Scoracrasia ""] swamplorddvm said:Scoracrasia said:Hoping to land an apprenticeship there and I will be going back to college for Mortuary science. Should be a good time plus I know someone that works there so that helps. Good business to get into because it is job security. People are always croaking. Wish me luck!!! I almost worked at a funeral home.:NEWHORNS: What stopped you? |
_______________________________________ [Feb 16,2005 9:51pm - Aegathis nli ""] Yea seriously, what the hell? |