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if you laugh at incredibly stupid shit, click here. otherwise fuck off

[Feb 15,2005 10:59pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Feb 15,2005 11:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
looks to be a little below stupid...wasn't funny.
[Feb 15,2005 11:06pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I only laughed when i thought about somebody taking the time to make it.
[Feb 15,2005 11:15pm - the_reverend ""]
I chuckled.. uncomforatbly...
and someone took the time to register this domain:
never be surprise by the sheer vast amount of time people are willing to waste perfectly good time on.

festivus said:you got to be a total fuckin useless nerd to go around and take pride in snapping pictures of bands for nuthin. i find alot of this shit is gay, but keep it up, it gives us a forum and keeps us awe-stuck how useless someone life can be.
[Feb 15,2005 11:18pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I heard Aaron started this site as a forum to talk about Murder-lust and Rape....at least, that's what the Wretched Asylum singer said.
[Feb 15,2005 11:26pm - the_reverend ""]
stop the talking and start the fucking and killing, losers!
[Feb 15,2005 11:26pm - Abbath ""]
"Cigarettes killed my father and raped my mother!" -Family Guy
[Feb 15,2005 11:31pm - davefromthegrave ""]
funfreepages.com....not only is it free...it's also fun :bartmoon:
[Feb 15,2005 11:43pm - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 15,2005 11:55pm - davefromthegrave ""]
here's some fucking for ya, rev.

[Feb 15,2005 11:57pm - mOe_rk ""]
i'm sorry, but that was fucking awful
[Feb 15,2005 11:58pm - mOe_rk ""]
both the picture and that fucking link...bad form
[Feb 16,2005 12:15am - davefromthegrave ""]
what was the title of this thread?
[Feb 16,2005 1:32am - mOe_rk ""]
i didnt see anything about being racist in the title of the thread...but then again i'm not wearing my glasses...
[Feb 16,2005 4:57am - mOe_rk ""]
rev really should monitor shit like that...we just had a thread about shit like that a week or 2 ago...fucking disgusting
[Feb 16,2005 5:32am - horror_tang ""]
[Feb 16,2005 9:36am - hoser ""]
mOe_rk said:rev really should monitor shit like that...we just had a thread about shit like that a week or 2 ago...fucking disgusting

Moe.....don't be so fucking touchy. No offense to you, but it's the whiny baby shit that REALLY has to stop here. The dude who posted it saw it for the fact that it was more of a shocking SURPRISE that the loving greeting card said "NIGGER" when you opened it. I found that surprise quite HILARIOUS. It is a shame that people should have to tip toe around the rest of the whiner population because they find something funny. If anyone here found that FUNNY...like ME for example....it isn'
t because I'm a racist. It's because it was just FUNNY. Stop digging into the shameful, political, and race related point that the link was making, and try to understand that we are laughing at the surprise that the innocent looking card spawned.

Also, don't forget that CENSORSHIP in any way is wrong.....unless you're a Tipper Gore fan.

Again....no offense.....just see it for the ridiculous thing that it is.

[Feb 16,2005 12:24pm - mOe_rk ""]
i'm not digging into anything, you are. No one here understand when stuff like that pisses me off because no one here is black. Of course you think its funny, you dont have any kind of negative attatchment to that word. I'm not talking about censorship or anything like that, i'm just talking from a point of view that no one here could ever possibly grasp. I'm sorry for "whining" i just wasnt in the mood for a web page to call me a "nigger...shitty nigger" Meh, why bother no one gets it
[Feb 16,2005 12:32pm - succubus ""]
well i didn't think it's funny
[Feb 16,2005 1:28pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
succubus said:well i didn't think it's funny

That website was fucking stupid. :pukeface:

[Feb 16,2005 1:37pm - hoser ""]
So long as you understand that I'm not a racist. i just laugh at anything with Gary Coleman on it.
[Feb 16,2005 2:23pm - malettey ""]
i didn't laugh at the word nigger by itself, but when it showed the picture of gary coleman from Diff'rent Strokes, with the word nigger, i couldn't help but laugh out loud, that was hilarious!
[Feb 16,2005 2:28pm - malettey ""]
mOe_rk said:both the picture and that fucking link...bad form

dude...shut up. do you really expect to find clean, wholesome material on this site? quit being a tight-ass and stop worrying about offending people.
[Feb 16,2005 2:32pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Funny I guess. I'd have to be in the right mood. NOT in the LIBRARY!!!
[Feb 16,2005 3:05pm - succubus ""]
malettey said:mOe_rk said:both the picture and that fucking link...bad form

dude...shut up. do you really expect to find clean, wholesome material on this site? quit being a tight-ass and stop worrying about offending people.

umm this site has all sorts of material including clean and wholesome...it is what you make it. i don't think moe was worried about offending people, he just voiced his opinion.

ps: i'm a tight ass and the rev loves it that way
[Feb 16,2005 3:52pm - anonymous  ""]
once again, no one will understand so i'm not going to bother
[Feb 16,2005 4:37pm - mOe_rk ""]
by the way that was me @ work
[Feb 16,2005 5:42pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mOe_rk said:i'm not digging into anything, you are. No one here understand when stuff like that pisses me off because no one here is black. Of course you think its funny, you dont have any kind of negative attatchment to that word. I'm not talking about censorship or anything like that, i'm just talking from a point of view that no one here could ever possibly grasp. I'm sorry for "whining" i just wasnt in the mood for a web page to call me a "nigger...shitty nigger" Meh, why bother no one gets it

umm i guess you haven't met Steph (dirteecrayon) yeah !
[Feb 16,2005 5:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i always use the "im irish" excuse when racism comes into play... shit, we even fuck up growing potatos, but at least we can drink...
[Feb 16,2005 5:53pm - dan.  ""]
no way, that was wicked funny. and i feel i can say that because my mother is oprah winfrey.
[Feb 16,2005 5:54pm - Scoracrasia ""]
KeithMutiny said:i always use the "im irish" excuse when racism comes into play... shit, we even fuck up growing potatos, but at least we can drink...

Laws yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 16,2005 6:03pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Feb 17,2005 3:23pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
what you talkin' bout willis

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