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bassist looking for musicians

[Feb 15,2005 9:15pm - inflamed scrotum  ""]
I'm looking for some musicians to start an experimental metal project, similar to the same vein of music as Atheist, Cynic, and Gorguts. More or less a 'death-jazz' band. My influences are wide and varied.

for more info contact me through the following

aim: puking death
email: pukingdeath@gmail.com
[Feb 15,2005 10:21pm - metalmatt666 ""]
where you located?
[Feb 16,2005 12:17am - inflamed scrotum  ""]
[Feb 16,2005 12:46am - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
I love all those bands and the style you're shooting for but I am a bassist as well so that won't really help you. Good luck!

If you do get a "death-jazz" band together, cover Autumn Leaves!
[Feb 16,2005 1:21am - inflamed scrotum  ""]
I'm not really going to aim for covers, I just want to get some people together who share the same taste in this more or less forgotten part of music. I'm all self taught but a lot of my stuff has a spastic jazzy feel to it, and I am sure combined with other musicians who just want to experiment with music some good may be able to come out of it.
[Feb 16,2005 1:43am - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
haha, my cover comment was definitely just a joke!

Good luck man! Those are great influences.
[Feb 16,2005 1:54am - inflamed scrotum  ""]
thanks. I've been sitting on a bunch of original death-jazz songs for a while and I am just waiting to find the right musicians to reveal it to and play with them. Hopefully some people here who check this forum like the idea I am shooting for.
[Feb 16,2005 4:35pm - T$money$  ""]
sounds like fun man i'd love to jam on that
[Feb 16,2005 4:37pm - morkul ""]
Move to Tucson. We need you in Bound By Blasphemy.
[Feb 16,2005 7:13pm - inflamed scrotum  ""]
T$money$ said:sounds like fun man i'd love to jam on that

where are you located?

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