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Read any good books lately?

[Feb 15,2005 1:36pm - K  ""]
thats right....a literature thread.
[Feb 15,2005 1:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Sumer: Cities of eden. More of a book for kids. But hey I did go to gifford.
[Feb 15,2005 1:38pm - litacore ""]
oooh, nice

right now I'm reading
WIDDERSHINS, The First Book of Ghost Stories by Oliver Onions
ROAD WORK, Among Tyrants, Heroes, Rogues, and Beasts by Mark Bowden
and Milton's Paradise Lost (still--it's very dense)
[Feb 15,2005 1:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
swamplorddvm said:Sumer: Cities of eden. More of a book for kids. But hey I did go to gifford.

And the statue on the cover looks alot like Alicia grace, only with a unibrow. and it's legs aren't spread open.
[Feb 15,2005 1:43pm - Christraper ""]
Motley Crue's The Dirt
Catcher In The Rye
[Feb 15,2005 1:48pm - moran ""]
litacore said:Milton's Paradise Lost (still--it's very dense)

I agree. I've been reading this for two months now, and I'm only about half way through. What book are you on?
[Feb 15,2005 1:50pm - swamplorddvm ""]
The bible. That has some of silliest shit ever.
[Feb 15,2005 1:54pm - nate ""]
I got "Choosing Death" for my b-day. Have been readingthat and am almost done.
[Feb 15,2005 1:55pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
Albert Camus- The Plague
William Faulkner- The Sound and The Fury
Celtic Myths and Legends
[Feb 15,2005 1:56pm - nate ""]
swamplorddvm said:The bible. That has some of silliest shit ever.

I've read that like 5-6 times through and through. I laugh every time!
[Feb 15,2005 1:58pm - litacore ""]
moran said:litacore said:Milton's Paradise Lost (still--it's very dense)

I agree. I've been reading this for two months now, and I'm only about half way through. What book are you on?

haha, I'm a very slow reader, but this one is just GLACIAL

I'm not very far, I pick the book up, read a page or two, put it down, come back to it after a few weeks

so it's early on. Satan's advising the minions against attacking Heaven. He hasn't appled the garden of eden yet.
[Feb 15,2005 2:03pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Some book called the Exes and it was kind of crappy. About a Boston rock band who wants to ''make it big in the boston scene''. It's pretty funny actually.

edit: Pagan Kennedy is the author.
[Feb 15,2005 2:04pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Cryptic Anthony said:Albert Camus- The Plague

My girlfriend introduced me to my main man AC and I think he's fucking rad. We found some rare book of his plays at a store in Burlington VT but didn't have enough money to pick it up.
[Feb 15,2005 2:07pm - litacore ""]
yeah I tried reading The Exes

I like Cintra Wilson and J.T. Leroy better though
[Feb 15,2005 2:08pm - moran ""]
I'm the same way. I read it opn the train, I usually only get 1 or 2 pages done before I fall asleep. That part's pretty good, but it gets a little slow after that.
[Feb 15,2005 2:09pm - litacore ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Cryptic Anthony said:Albert Camus- The Plague

My girlfriend introduced me to my main man AC and I think he's fucking rad. We found some rare book of his plays at a store in Burlington VT but didn't have enough money to pick it up.

that book of plays has an awesome play 'The Misunderstanding'
the Innkeeper and his daughter off their guests to supplement their income (kinda like Motel Hell), but they unwittingly kill their long lost son
[Feb 15,2005 2:12pm - litacore ""]
one of my favorite short stories is by Sartre, 'The Wall."

It's a have-a-nice-night-before-your-morning-execution story. Very cool.

[Feb 15,2005 2:21pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
litacore said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Cryptic Anthony said:Albert Camus- The Plague

My girlfriend introduced me to my main man AC and I think he's fucking rad. We found some rare book of his plays at a store in Burlington VT but didn't have enough money to pick it up.

that book of plays has an awesome play 'The Misunderstanding'
the Innkeeper and his daughter off their guests to supplement their income (kinda like Motel Hell), but they unwittingly kill their long lost son

Haha, then Mersault read a newsclipping about those bitches in jail. Wasn't Mersault's trial mentioned in The Plague or The Fall?

[Feb 15,2005 2:37pm - dreadkill ""]
damn, i haven't read a book in a while
[Feb 15,2005 2:52pm - eddie ""]
dark tower 5, 6, 7 are really good
[Feb 15,2005 3:04pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
books i have actually read:

hitch hikers guide
grapes of wrath
of mice and men
red badge vag
lord of the flies
brahm stokers dracula (so boring)
mary shelley's frankenstein
dr. seuss
my name is david, im an alcoholic

books i have been meaning to read:

anything by kurt vonnegut
lies my teacher told me

last time i actually read a book: in 1998 at 17 years old while in oaks D lockup facility.

[Feb 15,2005 3:08pm - litacore ""]
Lord of the Flies is a great book

'Kill the pig! Kill the pig!'
[Feb 15,2005 3:20pm - RustedAngel ""]

I'm going to be at Barne's N' Noble for a possible 3 hours tonight looking at pictures in magazines and maybe drinking some cocoa in portsmouth, nh next to best buy. Anyone want to join me on this adventure feel free but don't get mad if I suddenly need to leave.

Anyone recommend any books on stuff that's cool?
[Feb 15,2005 3:22pm - litacore ""]
Sound of the Beast : The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal
by Ian Christe
[Feb 15,2005 3:46pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I just finished re-reading Dune. Forgot how good that was.

Just started Diary of a Drug Fiend by Allister Crowley. Pretty sick for 1922.

[Feb 15,2005 4:16pm - Hooker ""]
I'm reading the memoirs of this navy seal guy. He's a maniac. He was pissed that he only got to do two tours in Vietnam. Before that, 'Tis by Frank McCourt.
[Feb 15,2005 4:18pm - rachel  ""]
The Da Vinci Code, Angela's Ashes, and Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ.
[Feb 15,2005 4:22pm - Hooker ""]
rachel said:The Da Vinci Code, Angela's Ashes, and Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ.

'Tis is the follow up to Angela's Ashes. It's not as sad. Most of the time it's pretty funny.
[Feb 15,2005 4:29pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I read Nickel and Dimed a little while ago. I need to find another book though.
[Feb 15,2005 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]
reading?!? that's unpossible!
[Feb 15,2005 4:41pm - succubus ""]
Touching from a distance
[Feb 15,2005 4:44pm - moran ""]
I plan on picking this up tonight.
[Feb 15,2005 5:02pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Here's a tip. DON'T read Paul Di'anno's book.
Whoever edited that thing should have his eyes gouged out.

[Feb 15,2005 5:53pm - pisscup ""]
Currently reading "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by Irving and "The Wolves of the Calla" by King.
[Feb 15,2005 5:54pm - pisscup ""]
Oh yeah and "recipes for disaster" too
[Feb 15,2005 5:59pm - Crucifire ""]
Primary Colors
[Feb 15,2005 6:00pm - the_reverend ""]
currently reading "Goblet of fire" (harry potter 4)
[Feb 15,2005 6:01pm - pisscup ""]
the_reverend said:currently reading "Goblet of fire" (harry potter 4)

I'm waiting for my roomate to finish that one.
[Feb 15,2005 6:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
still reading choosing death. i'm taking forever cause i get wicked depressed whenever i read that book.
[Feb 15,2005 6:06pm - Crucifire ""]
Actually, I just read 3001 and was kind of bummed. Read Rendevoux With Rama by A.C.Clark.
[Feb 15,2005 6:08pm - malettey ""]
last book i read was the Lord of the Rings, i finished it a few months ago....really good book, fucking insanely long and drawn out though.....haven't really read anything since, besides school books

the_reverend said:currently reading "Goblet of fire" (harry potter 4)

i gave up on harry potter for a while, 'cause i read the first 3 all in a row, so i got a little tired of it....i've been kinda meaning to try the rest
[Feb 15,2005 8:07pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
"American Gods" - Neil Gaiman

currently reading "The Anubis Gates" by Tim Powers
[Feb 15,2005 8:17pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
american gods was great

i'm in the middle of With Lawrence in Arabia by Lowell Thomas, and i'm about to read a ton of graphic novels over.
[Feb 15,2005 8:25pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
"Where You're At"-Patrick Neate
"And It Don't Stop"-Various
"Kill Your Idols"-Various
[Feb 15,2005 9:22pm - handinjury ""]
currently reading Journey Into Darkness (J.Douglas)
[Feb 15,2005 9:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Josh_hates_you said:books i have actually read:

hitch hikers guide
grapes of wrath
of mice and men
red badge vag
lord of the flies
brahm stokers dracula (so boring)
mary shelley's frankenstein
dr. seuss
my name is david, im an alcoholic

books i have been meaning to read:

anything by kurt vonnegut
lies my teacher told me

last time i actually read a book: in 1998 at 17 years old while in oaks D lockup facility.

i'm reading Slaughter House 5 by Vonnegut Jr.

as well the Dharama Bums by Kerouac
Tropic of Caprocorn by Miller
the Lizard King by Hopkins
World of Fear by Hartwell

and i just was cleaning out my garage today and found an old trunk with a shitload of books left by my brother !
[Feb 16,2005 7:19am - psychogirl ""]
only novels:
"the da vinci code" by dan brown
"the last generation" by arthur clarke (fantastic!)

and of course books from austria (don't know if they're publicated in america):

"die klavierspielerin" (--> means: the piano player) by elfriede jelinek (very great but little bit strange story... [won the european Nobel Prize 2004 in literature for this book])
"silentium" by wolf haas (very new and great [about church and priests and girls...!] and got filmed)
[Feb 16,2005 11:36am - KillerKadoogan ""]
Henry Miller - Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymous Bosch
Henry Miller - The Air Conditioned Nightmare

[Feb 16,2005 11:54am - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
'the enemy within' - michael savage
[Feb 16,2005 1:46pm - K  ""]
Logans Run is a great short read. took me 2 hours. right now im reading The Plague Tales. two stories in one about a Physician who has to protect King Edward III from the Plague in 1348 and about recent outbreaks in the year 2005 and the Plague is dug up and let loose in England. The chapters rotate between the two stories. its pretty good.
[Feb 16,2005 2:06pm - Todd(Bombshelter)  ""]
A collection of short stories by H.P. Lovecraft,Right now I'm on The doom that came to Sarnath
[Feb 16,2005 2:13pm - litacore ""]
Lovecraft is metal

Ungl unl... rrlh ... chchch...
[Feb 16,2005 2:25pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Reading the new Choosing death book right now. Picked it up this morning.
[Feb 16,2005 2:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KillerKadoogan said:Henry Miller - Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymous Bosch
Henry Miller - The Air Conditioned Nightmare

can i borrow those when you're done i'm reading Tropic of Capricorn right now and it's blowing my mind.

i'd like to see whatelse this fucks got in his head Ha !
[Feb 16,2005 2:46pm - litacore ""]
Conversations with Iannis Xenakis by Balint Andras Varga

I forgot I had this--Xenakis is one of those composers who makes dissonant arrangements by default. Great for horror soundtracks.
[Feb 16,2005 3:00pm - grundlegremlin ""]
The Secret Teachings of all Ages- M.P. Hall 800+ pages of philosophy,numerology,symbolism, interesting stuff. Behold A Pale Horse, Haven't read the whole thing yet,but it is the first book that gave me chills,and Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs,and 9/11 The Road to Tyranny by Alex Jones, good read but the Documentary film is better.
[Feb 16,2005 11:44pm - dunwichnli  ""]
Dancers at the End of Time by Michael Moorcock
[Feb 17,2005 10:40am - psychogirl ""]
grundlegremlin said:Behold A Pale Horse, Haven't read the whole thing yet,but it is the first book that gave me chills

cool you're interested in such things. i'm too.
[Feb 17,2005 11:52am - damnose ""]
litacore said:one of my favorite short stories is by Sartre, 'The Wall."

It's a have-a-nice-night-before-your-morning-execution story. Very cool.


"Tom was husky but he had too much fat. I thought how rifle bullets or the sharp points of bayonets would soon be sunk into this mass of tender flesh as in a lump of butter.

It wouldn’t have made me feel like that if he’d been thin. "

woo, that was good. hooray for absurd!
[Feb 17,2005 5:15pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:KillerKadoogan said:Henry Miller - Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymous Bosch
Henry Miller - The Air Conditioned Nightmare

can i borrow those when you're done i'm reading Tropic of Capricorn right now and it's blowing my mind.

i'd like to see whatelse this fucks got in his head Ha !

my brother's gonna read both of them first, and then probably a couple other people are gonna borrow them.

but after that, yes.
[Feb 17,2005 5:31pm - pisscup ""]
all you cold dark winter bm kids should read some Jack London. his descriptions of freezing and/or starving to death are awesome - true horror. get yourselves a compilation of his short stories. if you are lucky, somebody will be eaten by wolves - mad cool. he also wrote "the Iron Heal" which is a good read if you're into socialism or politics in general.
[Aug 14,2005 1:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
since my last response, I've read
Celtic Myths and Legends
The Motorcycle Diaries

Now, what to read now?
[Aug 14,2005 1:06pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
BornSoVile said:since my last response, I've read
Celtic Myths and Legends
The Motorcycle Diaries

Now, what to read now?

try Snow Crash by neal Stephenson
[Aug 14,2005 1:24pm - DomesticTerror ""]
just finished "Insomnia"-Stephen King
now i'm reading random Lovecraft stories until i find another book.

Trying to find something on the Order of the Skull and Bones.
Any suggestions?
[Aug 14,2005 2:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
just picked up Crimes against Nature - How George W. Bush & His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country & Hijacking Our Democracy by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
[Aug 14,2005 2:42pm - succubus ""]
funny i was going to bump a reading thread
i'm reading jenna jameson's "how to make love like a porn star"
it's about her life
[Aug 14,2005 4:12pm - grundlegremlin ""]
DomesticTerror said:just finished "Insomnia"-Stephen King
now i'm reading random Lovecraft stories until i find another book.

Trying to find something on the Order of the Skull and Bones.
Any suggestions?

America's Secret Establishment is a great skull and bones book. I forget the author, you can find it in current events/political science.
[Aug 14,2005 5:28pm - retzam ""]
Hmmm, I'm surprised I didn't post on this thread back in February. I bet I missed it due to computer troubles.

Lately I've just been reading Harry Potter. I started the first one the week the new one was released and I'm on the fifth one now.
[Aug 14,2005 6:14pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
succubus said:funny i was going to bump a reading thread
i'm reading jenna jameson's "how to make love like a porn star"
it's about her life

lucky Aaron
[Aug 14,2005 6:47pm - brian_dc ""]
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

anything by Tom Robbins or Tom Wolfe

[Aug 14,2005 7:49pm - Stevey_Evil ""]
Last book I read was Harry Potter 6. Good shit.
[Aug 14,2005 10:55pm - DomesticTerror ""]
grundlegremlin said:DomesticTerror said:just finished "Insomnia"-Stephen King
now i'm reading random Lovecraft stories until i find another book.

Trying to find something on the Order of the Skull and Bones.
Any suggestions?

America's Secret Establishment is a great skull and bones book. I forget the author, you can find it in current events/political science.


[Aug 14,2005 10:59pm - DomesticTerror ""]
BornSoVile said:just picked up Crimes against Nature - How George W. Bush & His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country & Hijacking Our Democracy by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

does that have the shit about the mercury based immunizations/rise in autism jazz?!!! I read a little about that in a Kennedy excerpt in Rolling Stone recently, but never got the publication. please say yes...

[Aug 14,2005 11:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KillerKadoogan said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:KillerKadoogan said:Henry Miller - Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymous Bosch
Henry Miller - The Air Conditioned Nightmare

can i borrow those when you're done i'm reading Tropic of Capricorn right now and it's blowing my mind.

i'd like to see whatelse this fucks got in his head Ha !

my brother's gonna read both of them first, and then probably a couple other people are gonna borrow them.

but after that, yes.

anyluck on those !
[Aug 14,2005 11:13pm - badsneakers ""]
Killing Yourself To Live - Chuck Klosterman
[Aug 15,2005 5:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
DomesticTerror said:BornSoVile said:just picked up Crimes against Nature - How George W. Bush & His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country & Hijacking Our Democracy by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

does that have the shit about the mercury based immunizations/rise in autism jazz?!!! I read a little about that in a Kennedy excerpt in Rolling Stone recently, but never got the publication. please say yes...

YES! It also "skims" over the 300 various roll backs he's arranged as well as restructing several Clinton laws, not to mention how he dismantled the EPA into a regulatory committee for big business. Very well written, not alot of big talk you'll forget, non partisan too.
[Aug 15,2005 11:30pm - retzam ""]
Josh_hates_you said:books i have actually read:

hitch hikers guide
grapes of wrath
of mice and men
red badge vag
lord of the flies
brahm stokers dracula (so boring)
mary shelley's frankenstein
dr. seuss
my name is david, im an alcoholic

books i have been meaning to read:

anything by kurt vonnegut
lies my teacher told me

last time i actually read a book: in 1998 at 17 years old while in oaks D lockup facility.

I liked Dracula. Everyone says it's boring.
[Aug 16,2005 12:35am - xmikex ""]
i've got about 20 pages to go on Winesburg, Ohio, by Sherwood Anderson. decent stuff.
[Aug 30,2005 1:15am - BornSoVile ""]
Now reading, Chain of Command - The Road From 9/11 to Abu Ghraib by Seymour M. Hersh
[Aug 30,2005 9:05am - moran ""]
I'm reading some of Lovecraft's early stories. Some decent stuff mixed with some pretty bad.
[Aug 30,2005 10:05am - babyshaker ""]
im reading the bio of joe christianni its all about how he used funds from a bake sale with the norwood football team to finally meet hatebreed at ozzfest of course thats after he gets his tit signed by zakk wylde
[Aug 30,2005 12:33pm - Hung_to_Bleed_nli  ""]
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder - Michael Savage
Generation Kill - Evan Wright
[Aug 30,2005 12:39pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Henry Rollins - Black Coffee Blues
Clive Barker - Books of Blood anthology
Henry Shapiro - Jimi Hendrix Electric Gypsy
Herman Hesse - Knulp

right now i'm reading Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Kesey
[Aug 30,2005 12:41pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:KillerKadoogan said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:KillerKadoogan said:Henry Miller - Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymous Bosch
Henry Miller - The Air Conditioned Nightmare

can i borrow those when you're done i'm reading Tropic of Capricorn right now and it's blowing my mind.

i'd like to see whatelse this fucks got in his head Ha !

my brother's gonna read both of them first, and then probably a couple other people are gonna borrow them.

but after that, yes.

anyluck on those !

haha wow i forgot all about this. if i remember to bring em with me, i will let you borrow them next time i see you.

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