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People are retarded...

[Feb 13,2005 7:00pm - niccolai ""]
I park accross the stree from my house and I'm walking towards my house with three friends. a kid comes speeding past us, nearly hits us, and is like driving in the middle of the street. I shoot him a look for being totally retarded and he like snaps his Ebreak on in the middle of the street, gets out of his car with like Soul Fly or something playing and starts Screaming. Who tries to start a fight alone with four kids after you clearly just did something rediculous?

... wow I'm going to drive like an asshole and almost hit people than freak out about it like a fat pussy when they look at me funny for being a total fuckstain.
[Feb 13,2005 7:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
HAHaha yeah I saw two dudes in separate cars staring at each near my house. ooh tough guys!!
[Feb 13,2005 7:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I know I misspelled some words there.
[Feb 13,2005 8:34pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
please tell me you beat his ass down.
[Feb 13,2005 8:39pm - niccolai ""]
Didn't need to. he got out of his car and said "you have something to say?" and my friend Mike said "He thinks your a fucking idiot" the kid got in his face and Mike leveled him He got back into his buick lsabre and drove away.
[Feb 13,2005 9:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
hahahaha, nice
[Feb 13,2005 9:56pm - drkangel3667  ""]
yeah, people are fuckin stupid. I was driving south 95 from RI to CT just the other night, some idiot flies up behind me going about 110. I'm cruising along about a comfy 85 and he decides to cut me off, nearly clipping my front end, in the travel lane none the less and then speed ahead. Meanwhile I'm watching him dance between 3 lanes and miss a few barriers here and there. Shits and giggles at 3am sunday morning I called the state police. 20 minutes later I see three troopers surrounding him on the side of the road. I may be a bitch, but he nearly busted up my car... and hell, where else am I supposed to get entertainment at 3 in the morning?
[Feb 13,2005 10:24pm - the_reverend ""]
that's like the drunk girl that tore off the passanger side of her car on the telephone poll outside my condo.. that then tried to drive off.
the 3 drunk guys in her car tried to push the car into a parking lot.
[Feb 14,2005 7:48am - niccolai ""]
haha that's rich.
I was with my girlfriend in her car about two weeks ago and some guy in a minivan with three kids pulled right in front of us. We were on the main road doing like 45. I guess anyone who pulls out of a parking lot without looking while people are doing 45 get the right of way.
I was wearing my seatbelt, my girlfriend wasn't. I put my left arm over so she didn't smack into the dash board... but low and behold my seatbelt didn't work. So I reach over to stop her from going anywhere thinking I'm all set and my seatbelt doesn't lock and my face smacks against the dash. It's funny now but I wasn't laughing at the time.

G.. you know what.... my neck kindof hurts... maybe I should call a lawyer.
[Feb 14,2005 8:36am - dreaminginexile ""]
I'd sue the fuck out of them... That's bullshit. people need to fucking pay attantion...
[Feb 14,2005 11:53am - morkul ""]
You should see Californa....I changed my shorts twice and I am from D.C..
[Feb 14,2005 11:56am - Hooker ""]
I was behind this asshole the other night who I thought was drunk. They were weaving, stopping twenty feet before stop lights etc etc. Then I got onto a larger street and got the chance to pass her. Lo and behold is was.... an Asian. Girl. On the phone.

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