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Bored? try these puzzles

[Feb 11,2005 11:26am - the_reverend ""]

honestly, I haven't even opened the link, but everyone here is talking about it.
[Feb 11,2005 11:28am - KillerKadoogan ""]
it was fun until i got to the 3rd stage.

i've never been able to do magic eye pictures
[Feb 11,2005 11:32am - the_reverend ""]
I'm trying to get the 3rd one... but it's making me sick
[Feb 11,2005 11:44am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i got the third one bitches

took me a few minutes though
[Feb 11,2005 11:46am - Josh_hates_you ""]

i really dont get stage 4 though.
[Feb 11,2005 11:47am - Josh_hates_you ""]

[Feb 11,2005 11:57am - KillerKadoogan ""]
tell me what the magic eye one is so i can get past it

i'll never be able to do it
[Feb 11,2005 12:31pm - malettey ""]
sit back and relax your eyes, the picture should come into focus, like a hologram...........stage 4 is driving me nuts! i don't know what to look for!
[Feb 11,2005 12:37pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
all I can do is level 8. I'll fuck around with it more later
[Feb 11,2005 12:39pm - the_reverend ""]
stage 4 is easy...
I can't get 3... it's so small and I want to barf now.
[Feb 11,2005 12:56pm - anonymous  ""]

thread with solutions.
[Feb 11,2005 1:05pm - yummy  ""]
umm yeah... #4?
[Feb 11,2005 3:03pm - retzam ""]
I used to be able to do that magic eye shit without fail everytime I tried, but it's been years. I can't seem to get 3.
[Feb 11,2005 3:12pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
there was 15 of them. If you don't have photoshop you're pretty much shit out of luck.

There's no way I'm doing the code or math versions of these puzzles. well, I guess it depends how bored I get.
[Feb 11,2005 3:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
anonymous said:http://www.theisonews.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=128123

thread with solutions.

hey, that's cheating.

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