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Super Bowl XXXIX tonight!!!

[Feb 6,2005 10:11am - JayTUS in FL  ""]
What is everyone doing? I have no idea what I am doing yet, but I think I am going down to the river in a few to see ESPN do their pregame show. It's fucking surreal down here, there are two staties at every single on ramp, on each side, and that's over a 25-30 mile stretch of highway, so during that time you'll see like 60 cop cars. The sheriffs are everywhere, all the streets are closed off around ALLTELL Stadium, you'd think they were having a big game or something.

The Stadium is RIGHT on the water. It's actually pretty cool. Friday I went down to the NFL Experience. That was pretty cool. I had like 5 bowls of Chunky soup for free because they were giving it away. Their new Chili is pretty good. Got to meet Derek Brooks from the Tampa Bay Bucaneers, and could have net some other players too, like Deion Branch, Troy Vincent, Jeff Garcia, Larry Fitzgerald and a few more, but the lines were super long. But that was pretty cool. Since all the streets are closed off, we had to take a "river taxi" across the river. That was really cool, except we got into an accident with another boat, haha. I thought we were going down but the thing we were in was like a tank. We were given tickets to see Willie Nelson haha, $40 value, but I gave them to someone else because it was too far from where we were and he wasn't going on until like midnight and it was only 7pm. I wish I was over there Thursday night. Boyz II Men played and I totally would have went haha.

The Eagles fans totally outnumber the Pats fans down here. They are really loud and obnoxious. One was getting in my face and I just held up two fingers and said "that's how many Super Bowls we've won in the last three years while you were busy choking" to which he replied "miracles only come once every 86 years" and I said "yeah, and you used yours just getting here." Haha he shut up then. You'd think a team in Philadelphia had actually won something since 1983 the way they act down here!

The set up down here is pretty cool. There is literally like every store/restaurent in existance within a three mile radius of me right now... except Dunkin Donuts. They only have Starbucks and Krispy Kremes everywhere. THAT is weird.

Anyway, just stopping by to say hi and say GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 6,2005 12:33pm - tbone_r ""]
how's the new place?
[Feb 6,2005 12:42pm - Carcinogenic_Cookies ""]
It's been said that Jacksonville is a shitty place for the super bowl and they probably won't play another one there. On the other hand Boyz II Men! I would have been front row. MOTOWNPHILLY
[Feb 6,2005 1:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
go pats!!!!!!!

party at my brothers in manch, people are welcome to go, just let me know!
[Feb 6,2005 1:47pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
it's gotta be weird not seeing any dunkin donuts
[Feb 6,2005 2:29pm - the_reverend ""]
the_reverend said:I hate sports so much.
nothing is gayer than a bunch of guys getting drunk and watching other guys exercise...

well, maybe freddy mercury kissing rob halford at a man-o-war show.

[Feb 6,2005 3:33pm - JayTUS in FL  ""]
Carcinogenic_Cookies said:It's been said that Jacksonville is a shitty place for the super bowl and they probably won't play another one there. On the other hand Boyz II Men! I would have been front row. MOTOWNPHILLY

I think they will have another one. They are really trying hard to make this work and I've never seen people so excited to have something like this. They are putting it in DETROIT of all places next year, everyone will WISH they were in Jacksonville when they are there. :spineyes:

There have been so many shows. Lynard Skynard has been playing like every night, haha. Everyone is pretty much pop culture stuff, but it's still cool. They have a fucking media section at the mall because a lot of celebs have been going there and they got sick of photographers roaming the mall so they now have a media/celeb entrance. It's so weird.

Everyone is wearing SB 39 shirts everywhere. A lot of the locals are going out and buying Eagles/Pats stuff. Everywhere you go, that's all anyone is talking about. They were saying hopefully a lot of the downtown stuff stays the same after the game is over because it feels like Mardi Gras in New Orleans. People walking around with beer freely. Pretty cool.

And yes, not seeing a Dunkin Donuts on every corner is weird...
[Feb 6,2005 4:37pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
There's a Dunkin Donuts right off of Duval Street in Key West, it's the wierdest place I've ever seen a Dunkin Donuts aside from the one that's the only building for miles around in the middle of White Mountain National Forest.
[Feb 6,2005 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 6,2005 5:16pm - bornsovile nli  ""]
we're on our way out to alston to watch at dildo darrens.
[Feb 6,2005 5:45pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
JayTUS in FL said:
The set up down here is pretty cool. There is literally like every store/restaurent in existance within a three mile radius of me right now... except Dunkin Donuts. They only have Starbucks and Krispy Kremes everywhere. THAT is weird.

Anyway, just stopping by to say hi and say GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i lived down there back in 98, it's a weird lil community, did you see the reactor yet everytime i drove up that rode all i could was sing the Simpsons theme song.

that and yeah goodluck finding a Dn'D down south !
[Feb 6,2005 5:47pm - malettey ""]
i kinda feel bad for the eagles...no one ever cheers them on. oh well i don't care about sports anyways.
[Feb 6,2005 10:12pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
the super bowl can kiss my super ass
[Feb 6,2005 10:20pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 6,2005 11:02pm - Abbath ""]
"Superbowl champs! Superbowl champs!" - Mike Abbney

drink booze! hail brady! watch the simpsons! sleep with some ho! watch funny monkey commericals! woooot!
[Feb 6,2005 11:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I wish the news would stop interviewing drunk sluts on the street and put on the simpsons. Nobody cares what a bunch of fucking faggots at northeastern think. Put on the fucking simpsons so I can go to sleep.
[Feb 6,2005 11:38pm - powerkok ""]
Abbath said:"Superbowl champs! Superbowl champs!" - Mike Abbney

drink booze! hail brady! watch the simpsons! sleep with some ho! watch funny monkey commericals! woooot!

fuck ya....go pats.

[Feb 7,2005 12:40am - dyingmuse ""]
yeah, we brought it home! hell yeah!
[Feb 7,2005 9:47am - nate ""]
Not only did the Pats win but I won $400 in a superbowl pool. Hell yes, and it's my fuckin birthday today so what the fuck else can ya ask for!!!

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