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I know this is not the place, but I figured I would try anyway

[Feb 4,2005 11:18pm - Ryan T  ""]
I play guitar and I sing, I'm located in the Merrimack Valley area. I have been in a serious band for about 4 years now. It is sort of coming to an end, at least for now, so I'm looking for something full time. If I offend you in this post because I say your favorite band sucks or you don't agree with that I have to say, I apologize, but no need to post and say I'm a douche bag because I don't like Disturbed or Hed PE. I'm not here to bash YOU, just find some cats to jam with. I'm aware this is a forum where the music is not what I'm into, but I'm here, and I figured maybe someone who reads this is into the same shit. My favorite bands are HUM, Explosions in the sky, Hopesfall, Oneline Drawing, Codeseven, Dredg, Bear Vs. Shark, John Mayer, Albert React, Cave in, Adem (not Adema), Centaur and that type of spacey, melodic stuff. I also like some heavy bands like Guns up! Bury your Dead, Since the flood, Between the buried and me, On broken wings, Shai Hulud, Comeback kid, old Unearth, Terror, and of course Pantera.

If you got a mosh cap on and your waiting for the next As I lay dying cd to come out, or you got black lipstick on and you cant wait for the Adema and Otep show, then good luck to ya, but that’s not what I'm into. If you like any of the bands I listed and you play Bass, Drums or maybe guitar then hit me up. I don’t do drugs or drink, it would be better if you didn’t but if you do oh well, I just want to play. I'm not really looking to join a band already in progress but I would not rule it out, so get in touch. I listed alot of bands I like, but I would really want something along the lines of Explosions in the sky, HUM, Centaur, and Codeseven in particular. I have pro equipment, a good PA, an excellent guitar and guitar rig with a good amount of pedals to make crazy noises.

My contact info is below, so feel free to hit me up. If you agree with me at all, or this sounds like something you would be into, cool, if not, good luck to you also.

Thanks for reading,


E-mail: left_of_space@yahoo.com
AIM: Xiusedrugsx

[Feb 4,2005 11:49pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I've been waiting to join a band that captured my love for John Mayer and Unearth for so long now!!!
[Feb 5,2005 12:15am - kjkfhdfgxjgc  ""]
pretentious much?
[Feb 5,2005 12:19am - Dissector ""]
did this guy just associate us with Disturbed and Head PE?!
[Feb 5,2005 12:24am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i drank urine once... oh wait... that wasnt me... but i do know who that was...
[Feb 5,2005 1:15am - Bloodlust_Demoness ""]
Let the ripping begin...
[Feb 5,2005 3:32am - Carcinogenic_Cookies ""]
I don't care, Explosions in the Sky rules!
[Feb 5,2005 6:52am - Sinistas ""]
I give this guy props for admitting he digs John Mayer on this board. Balls, it takes.
[Feb 5,2005 10:01am - __THeMoor__ ""]
Dissector said:did this guy just associate us with Disturbed and Head PE?!

no. he didnt. he said we'd make fun of him for listening to hed p.e. and disturbed
[Feb 5,2005 10:50am - Timma ""]
c'mon guys, give him some slack...disturbed is the groundwork for so much of the rock and roll music we listen to. i mean seriously, GET DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS..OOOHWAAHAAHAAHAAAAAAAAAAA. fuckin dingleberry.
[Feb 5,2005 11:55am - KeithMutiny ""]
Ryan T said:
If you got a mosh cap on and your waiting for the next As I lay dying cd to come out, or you got black lipstick on and you cant wait for the Adema and Otep show, then good luck to ya, but that’s not what I'm into.

that one line made me like this kid...

[Feb 5,2005 11:57am - KeithMutiny ""]
hey kid, wana join a poweviolence band, haahahaha

[Feb 5,2005 1:35pm - Dissector ""]
Ryan T said:I If I offend you in this post because I say your favorite band sucks or you don't agree with that I have to say, I apologize, but no need to post and say I'm a douche bag because I don't like Disturbed or Hed PE.

Meaning he hates them but think we like them.
[Feb 5,2005 1:39pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i love how this board is like a collective hive, and "we" are thought of as like one being.
[Feb 5,2005 1:45pm - Blue ""]
i wait for the day that a band exists that is the musical equivalent of explosions in the sky + hum.

im serious.
[Feb 5,2005 1:51pm - mike.........  ""]
blue, i agree. for the most part, i dig all the bands that he listed. nothing wrong with hum and dredg.
[Feb 5,2005 1:53pm - rachel  ""]
John Mayer=the worst music to exist
[Feb 5,2005 2:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
rachel said:John Mayer=the worst music to exist

i thought that honour went to the Dave Mathews Band !
[Feb 5,2005 2:25pm - dreadkill ""]
that honor goes to devildriver and mastamindz
[Feb 5,2005 2:51pm - Ryan T  ""]
Dissector said:Ryan T said:I If I offend you in this post because I say your favorite band sucks or you don't agree with that I have to say, I apologize, but no need to post and say I'm a douche bag because I don't like Disturbed or Hed PE.

Meaning he hates them but think we like them.

Timma said:c'mon guys, give him some slack...disturbed is the groundwork for so much of the rock and roll music we listen to. i mean seriously, GET DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS..OOOHWAAHAAHAAHAAAAAAAAAAA. fuckin dingleberry.

__THeMoor__ said:Dissector said:did this guy just associate us with Disturbed and Head PE?!

no. he didnt. he said we'd make fun of him for listening to hed p.e. and disturbed

I posted this other places and just copied and pasted it, obviously I did not mean to associate anyone here with those bands, and nor do I like them.

Blue said:i wait for the day that a band exists that is the musical equivalent of explosions in the sky + hum.

im serious.

Thats all I want.

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