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Mark your calendars - March 15th

[show listing]  _________________________________________
[Feb 1,2005 6:22pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Bestial Onslaught Presents:

+ more TBA
$6 - 21+ - 8PM

O'Brien's Pub - 3 Harvard Ave., Allston


Fuck, I can't get the link to work, just go to www.myspace.com/Hirudinea
[Feb 1,2005 6:24pm - succubus ""]
ohh where?
[Feb 1,2005 6:25pm - Hooker ""]
at obriens.
[Feb 1,2005 6:25pm - Hooker ""]
wait a minute.... is there a date on there? i'll just mark my calendar with a big blank spot
[Feb 1,2005 6:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Hooker said:at obriens.

hey who's booking the Feb 26th show.
[Feb 1,2005 6:26pm - Hooker ""]
[Feb 1,2005 6:27pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wanted to see about jumping on it.
[Feb 1,2005 6:27pm - BornSoVile ""]
I dig Superchirst.
[Feb 1,2005 6:28pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 1,2005 6:28pm - Hooker ""]
It's already booked.
[Feb 1,2005 6:29pm - Hooker ""]
email anthony about the Cryptic Warning cd release show
[Feb 1,2005 6:30pm - Blue ""]
[Feb 1,2005 6:38pm - anonymous  ""]
Kevorkian's ?
[Feb 1,2005 6:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Hooker said:email anthony about the Cryptic Warning cd release show

would love to jump on it, but can't do weekday shows, our singer goes to school in NH and has class till 8pm.

so just looking to throw our 8min set on any weekend shows we can right now.
[Feb 1,2005 6:38pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
anonymous said:Kevorkian's ?

That was me
[Feb 1,2005 6:40pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I WAS gonna ask you guys but then you went and asked me and ruined it all!


Ok, just kidding... Confirm that you guys can play ASAP, aight? But seriously, noone else ask haha...
[Feb 1,2005 6:40pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I wasn't kidding about the "FAG!!" part, by the way.
[Feb 2,2005 1:18pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
There should be a show like this every week.
[Feb 2,2005 4:49pm - pessimist ""]
[Feb 2,2005 6:11pm - armageddonday ""]
Sweet, good thing you found a place, I called about AS220 and they were booked and then I forgot to call you back.
I'm there....well, I know I've been saying that a lot lately and never show up but I'm defenitely there, I dig Superchrist a lot.
[Feb 2,2005 6:33pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
It should be cool. Talk to Brad.
[Feb 2,2005 8:17pm - Bradness ""]
i'd say it's 99%, i'll call you tomorrow Alex
[Feb 2,2005 8:18pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Bradness said:i'd say it's 99%, i'll call you tomorrow Alex

Call you a fag.
[Feb 3,2005 8:15am - BestialOnslaught ""]
armageddonday said:Sweet, good thing you found a place, I called about AS220 and they were booked and then I forgot to call you back.
I'm there....well, I know I've been saying that a lot lately and never show up but I'm defenitely there, I dig Superchrist a lot.

You could still put them on the show on the 16th ;-) Esp. if THE OLD MEN can't do it.
[Feb 3,2005 8:16am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
she might not make if the palladium is having an awesome show though
[Feb 4,2005 9:09am - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Feb 7,2005 8:48am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Don't ride with SUPERCHRIST...
[Feb 14,2005 10:24pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Final lineup:

[Feb 15,2005 10:05am - KillerKadoogan ""]

alex, can i be the bestial onslaught merch person for this show?

i can't stop listening to superchrist
[Feb 15,2005 10:07am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
KillerKadoogan said:awesome

alex, can i be the bestial onslaught merch person for this show?

i can't stop listening to superchrist

they might not work if the bar manager is having a bad day, with him, even band members under 21 aren't allowed inside.
[Feb 15,2005 10:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Thats a killer fucking line up!
[Feb 15,2005 10:13am - KillerKadoogan ""]
sons of bitches
[Feb 15,2005 11:06am - BestialOnslaught ""]
KillerKadoogan said:awesome

alex, can i be the bestial onslaught merch person for this show?

i can't stop listening to superchrist

As far as I'm concerned, hell yeah! It's just a matter of slipping it past O'Brien's, we can definitely give it a try. I need someone to watch my shit so I can get high and headbang a bit anyway.
[Feb 15,2005 11:38am - KillerKadoogan ""]
thats what i figured

i'll just headbang from behind the table
[Feb 15,2005 1:41pm - armageddonday ""]
I really want to see Superchrist but Riistetyt is playing in Boston the same night and it's going to be mentally impossible for me to miss Riistetyt...
[Feb 15,2005 3:48pm - Bradness ""]
armageddonday said: Riistetyt...

what language is that? either way, it would be a hoot to hear you pronounce that:krusty:
[Feb 15,2005 4:26pm - Josh_Martin ""]
armageddonday said:Riistetyt is playing in Boston

Whoa, where?

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