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check out the new ESP guitar catalog

[Jan 30,2005 10:41pm - the_reverend ""]
carina and I have a pictures in there

that is the picture I have in the catalog.
[Jan 30,2005 11:30pm - blue nli  ""]
dont worry. ill make sure to have about 7 copies of this catalog.
[Jan 31,2005 1:01am - succubus ""]
they mailed us 1 copy..so blue, if you get an extra..can we get it>
i'd link my pic but i'm lying in bed now
[Jan 31,2005 1:06am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
what is carina's picture?
[Jan 31,2005 7:26am - korpse-l- ""]
I also saw a pic of yours in the JACKSON catalog. I think it was of GoatWhore. you probably already know this but, thought i'd let ya kow if you didn't.
[Jan 31,2005 8:38am - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:they mailed us 1 copy..so blue, if you get an extra..can we get it>
i'd link my pic but i'm lying in bed now

if you both each have pictures in there why would you only get one copy?
[Jan 31,2005 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
maybe carina has one at her place?
I'm not sure.
metalblade just sent it to my place with the pictures tabbed off.
[Jan 31,2005 9:34am - HANDINJURY ""]
Whose that guy? I have two LTD's i need an endorsement.
[Jan 31,2005 9:38am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jan 31,2005 9:39am - succubus ""]
the note was addressed to both of us in the magazine...and the tabs were both of our pics...dunno why another wasn't sent
[Jan 31,2005 10:23am - assuck ""]
HANDINJURY said:I have two LTD's i need an endorsement.

i second that

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