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GWAR tonight

[Jan 30,2005 4:49am - Scoracrasia ""]
In RI. Good fuckin times, haha. I am saturated in blood. The show ended at like 9:30 though because of some faggy dance thing going on later. I actually got home to the Cape at 11:30. Fucked up. Good times though, I am in some pain here though, haha. I was right in the front row and was kinda crushed against that damn steel barricade they have there. I had to crowd surf to get out and take a piss. But I ended up right in front again. My ribs are fucked up and I did something to my hand. It was worth it. Who else was there? Damn, it is five in the morning, what the fuck am I doing up!?:pukeface:
[Jan 30,2005 12:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i was there
[Jan 30,2005 12:05pm - Scoracrasia ""]
damn, we should have met up.
[Jan 30,2005 12:06pm - pisscup ""]
damn i'm stoopid
[Jan 30,2005 6:55pm - johnvanveen  ""]
show rockd i was so drenchd im still all sorts of differnt colors.
only downside was i missd the opening bands expect some of alabama thunderpussy and some dooshbag grabbing my balls when i was crowd surfing
[Jan 30,2005 10:07pm - chrisssss  ""]
anyone one know where I can find pics from the show?
[Jan 30,2005 10:45pm - KeithMutiny ""]
the best part of the whole show was when the ripped ozzy and sharon to pieces... the told everyone to burn down ozzfest... i love gwar

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