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uh oh. what is a nintendo DS? and other questions..

[Jan 29,2005 2:11pm - manicmark ""]
i don't have cable and apparently don't pay attention to other forms of media too well. soooo,

1. what is a nintendo DS?
2. also, is that new zelda game for that system or maybe n64?? haha
3. how much is a nintendo DS

[Jan 29,2005 2:12pm - manicmark ""]
while we are at, what should i eat for lunch?
[Jan 29,2005 2:15pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i believe a nintendo DS is a "gaming system" you hit buttons and the screen changes
[Jan 29,2005 2:16pm - pisscup ""]
i don't know what a nintendo ds is either believe it or not.
[Jan 29,2005 2:17pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
for lunch have a can of soup
[Jan 29,2005 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
mark, are you going to death threat tonight?
if you are, I'll show you my ds
[Jan 29,2005 2:21pm - manicmark ""]
okay so...

1. i am eating a salad from wendy's.
2. i am not going. i am closing tonight at chili's in east haven.
[Jan 29,2005 2:21pm - manicmark ""]
oh yeah i made a thread with shows on it. people should go look
[Jan 29,2005 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
the DS is awesome.
daul screen gameboy type thing that plays games like the N64
[Jan 29,2005 2:22pm - manicmark ""]
is the new zelda for the DS? how much is it? i want the new zelda...
[Jan 29,2005 2:25pm - the_reverend ""]
the new zelda is on regular gameboy
[Jan 29,2005 2:37pm - manicmark ""]
oh my god. GBA stands for gameboy advance.

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