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Ocean just layed a new track down...

[Jan 28,2005 3:48pm - phantos ""]
they just recorded a new track today.
with a new drummer.

this should be good.
[Jan 28,2005 3:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
what no sample, Salt is fucking amazing need some more Ocean tracks
[Jan 28,2005 3:50pm - phantos ""]
theu haven't even mixed the damn thing yet..
they literally just did record it.. like a couple hours ago.
I just happened to stop by the studio.
[Jan 28,2005 3:55pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
so slap that shit together and let's give it a listen !
[Jan 28,2005 4:01pm - blue ""]
i smell awesomeness.
[Jan 28,2005 4:04pm - phantos ""]
I am sure Reuben wil be on here with the details soon enough.

you'll have to coax 'the listen' out of him.
[Jan 28,2005 4:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i can offer virgins to the slaughter, and sluts for his bedroom !
[Jan 28,2005 4:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
thats awesome! awesome
[Jan 28,2005 4:15pm - phantos ""]
I will add this:

it's a cover tune.

[Jan 28,2005 4:39pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dammit !
[Jan 28,2005 6:27pm - reuben ""]
Thats right, it's a cover of a Swans song for a tribute album. and on a side note it's still a little early to say "new drummer" but he did the recording and has signed on for a couple of shows in March. we'll probably put a clip on our site when it's done, Die hard Swans purests beware, we took some serious liberties with the arrangment..
[Jan 28,2005 6:33pm - phantos ""]
'liberties" is code for gay stuff. ha.
[Jan 28,2005 6:35pm - reuben ""]
Ya dude
[Jan 28,2005 6:42pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
we wanna play with Ocean !
[Jan 29,2005 12:44am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I was at the show (November 13th, I think) when the drummer quit.

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