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Rally For Boston Metal Jan 31st, Outside of O'Brien's Pub

[Jan 25,2005 4:03pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I'm going to be outside of O'Brien's waiting for Helvete to start. If anyone else wants to defend freedom of expression come on down.
[Jan 25,2005 4:15pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Good idea...
[Jan 25,2005 4:16pm - paganmegan ""]
I'd do it
[Jan 25,2005 4:19pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
People should call the club and let em' know that we were cheated out of the show by delusional left wing commie extremists and we are not gonna let this shit happen...
[Jan 25,2005 4:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'll be there if punch and pie is served.
[Jan 25,2005 4:25pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:i'll be there if punch and pie is served.

Would Spike's Hot Dogs be ok? Not that I'm paying for them, they're just nearby
[Jan 25,2005 4:25pm - Josh_Martin ""]
You're better off bringing baseball bats to the next NEFAC meeting.
They won this round.

[Jan 25,2005 4:27pm - paganmegan ""]
The bastards

There is not enough metal in this town and now there is even less thanks to these retards
[Jan 25,2005 4:29pm - the_reverend ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:People should call the club and let em' know that we were cheated out of the show by delusional left wing commie extremists and we are not gonna let this shit happen...

I think if you phrased it like that... they would look at you like you were a crazy homeless guy.
[Jan 25,2005 4:31pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Shut down Czolgosz shows.
[Jan 25,2005 4:32pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
If we can't enjoy music, NO ONE CAN!
[Jan 25,2005 4:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:i'll be there if punch and pie is served.

Would Spike's Hot Dogs be ok? Not that I'm paying for them, they're just nearby

hmm maybe i ate there once, and it was okey dokey !
[Jan 25,2005 4:54pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
What is Obrien's phone number?
[Jan 25,2005 4:57pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 25,2005 4:58pm - CNV?  ""]
Josh_Martin said:You're better off bringing baseball bats to the next NEFAC meeting.

I doubt you would even be there, pussy. All talk, no action.
[Jan 25,2005 4:58pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
[Jan 25,2005 5:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i never understood the commie anarchist thing... they sound awfully confused
[Jan 25,2005 5:13pm - Hooker ""]
Commie... anarchist?
[Jan 25,2005 5:17pm - the_reverend ""]
"and now to the aging hippie liberal douche"
[Jan 25,2005 5:29pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm playing that day, but maybe the following monday I'll go down there with gauntlets, a sign, and a bellowing voice of descension.
[Jan 25,2005 5:53pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
OMFG! Helvete and CNV are still listed on Obrien's website, bring 3 dollars and your Anti-Fascist, DIY Punk Rock righteous indignation to shut them down.
[Jan 25,2005 6:17pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I tried to call Obrien's and explain that these accusations were fabricated but he would not hear me out and hung up on me. He basically said there is too much controversy and hung up the phone.
[Jan 25,2005 6:46pm - Hooker ""]
Goddam Reds.
[Jan 25,2005 8:45pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
Red Diaper Doper Babies

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