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Happy Birthday Dissector

[Jan 24,2005 11:37am - Dissector ""]
4 Years and still going. Yay for us.
[Jan 24,2005 11:39am - assuck ""]
here's to many more years of zombie-inspired greatness
[Jan 24,2005 11:54am - paganmegan ""]
horay for dissector
[Jan 24,2005 6:27pm - pessimist ""]
what were you guys 13? jesus...
[Jan 24,2005 6:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Most bands last 3 years or less.


[Jan 24,2005 7:28pm - eddie ""]
pessimist said:what were you guys 13? jesus...

younger i think

mike must have been 12
tyler 13
me 13 but at the time i was in a horribly bad thrash band called volatile that did a scary cover du hast
[Jan 24,2005 9:21pm - Dissector ""]
Yeah I was 12 and Tyler was 13 when we started. We went through like 745 different line up changes and now here we are...
[Jan 25,2005 4:20am - MikeFuck ""]
eddie said:i was in a horribly bad thrash band called volatile

I thought you meant the Austrailian grind band Volatile for a second...they could use more 13 year olds.

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