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What are you drinking this fine snowy fooseball sunday?

[Jan 23,2005 2:02pm - Timma ""]
Well, its sunday...if your liqore store is closed, sucks to be you. what's everyone drinkin today? (if at all). I'm on a black liquorice kick...sambuca, jager, and of course...high lifes :NEWHORNS:
[Jan 23,2005 2:04pm - jellyfish ""]
southern comfort 100 proof.
[Jan 23,2005 2:05pm - the_reverend ""]
liquor store closed?
what's that?
signed live.free.or.die.
[Jan 23,2005 2:09pm - KeithMutiny ""]
all the ones here are open... and im drinkin PBR... 18 pack for 9 bucks, WHOO
[Jan 23,2005 2:17pm - Timma ""]
damn you reverend...you and your non-taxness.
[Jan 23,2005 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I do what I can.

Last night, I ran around until after 3am with all my arctic shell gear on. I stupid left snow shoe is messed up and kept falling off. I climb to the top of a snowbank that was about 2 stories tall.

today, carina and I were going to watch a movie, but the news keeps telling us to stay in. so we are. I'm about to play prince of persia 2 and then some nintendo ds. there are a bunch of things I want to change on RTTP, but I don't know if I will. I'm probably going to have to walk across the street to hannafords to get something in a while too...

carina already started drinking wine. I'm still waiting for my damn coffee!
[Jan 23,2005 2:32pm - Timma ""]
lol....you gotta have the coffee before the booze...thats why i'm making mine right now! and by the way...Hannaford's fucking OWNS. quite possibly the best market ever invented. the bakery is hypnotic.
[Jan 23,2005 2:35pm - pisscup ""]
I'm drinking Schaefer cuz the closest PBR is 15 miles away and at least Schaefer is still made by PBR. .. Know your drugs! Know your doses!
[Jan 23,2005 2:40pm - succubus ""]
i served him the coffee dammit!


and i had wine before coffee but last night had too much and then kept on dozing off during the movie we watching..but i woke up early since i only watched the rev through the window when he went outside to play in the snow and then i read for a bit and then i zz until he got back

i don't think i want to stick with the wine because too much wine makes me sleepy
[Jan 23,2005 2:46pm - Timma ""]
find some 151, that'll brighten up your day...just like this guy ---> :pukeface:
[Jan 23,2005 2:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
Belhaven Best Draught
Old Speckled Hen Pale Ale
Wild Turkey
If the mood is right my father and I will indulge in some Johnny Walker Blue.
[Jan 23,2005 2:49pm - succubus ""]
ohh you reminde me josh
remy martin RED
yum yum maybe i'll have that!
[Jan 23,2005 3:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Jan 23,2005 3:02pm - Timma ""]
yo that be the ill na-na shit right there...da strizzberry brizeeze fo sh0
[Jan 23,2005 3:26pm - moran ""]
I got a nice mixture of Michelob and Natural Light. Mix that with football and Mega Man Anniversary Edition and I have a spectacular day ahead of me.
[Jan 23,2005 3:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I found a way around the coffee first thing.
putting alcohol in the coffee.
[Jan 23,2005 3:58pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:I found a way around the coffee first thing.
putting alcohol in the coffee.

= italian style coffee

[Jan 23,2005 3:59pm - Timma ""]
coffee + rumplemintz = drunken caffienated bliss
[Jan 23,2005 4:22pm - moran ""]
the_reverend said:I found a way around the coffee first thing.
putting alcohol in the coffee.

Either that, or stop being a pussy.
[Jan 23,2005 4:26pm - the_reverend ""]
can't teach an old dog new tricks... sorry...
[Jan 23,2005 4:48pm - dread_104 ""]
KeithMutiny said:all the ones here are open... and im drinkin PBR... 18 pack for 9 bucks, WHOO

right there with ya bro!

[Jan 23,2005 7:29pm - succubus ""]
1/2 green apple smirnoff
1/2 remy martin red
with a splash of cranberry juice

just invented it
[Jan 23,2005 7:45pm - dirteecrayon ""]
v8 --- yum!
[Jan 23,2005 7:51pm - porphyria603 ""]
a few doublebags(long trail),and some black-n-tans(saranac).
[Jan 23,2005 7:58pm - Timma ""]
1/2 jagemeister
1/2 goldschlager
fill rest with sambuca

shoot as soon as the sambuca is poured before it separates. delicious. GO PATS
[Jan 23,2005 7:59pm - succubus ""]
the rev just told me my drink concoction (which he just had a sip of) tastes like candy!
[Jan 23,2005 8:07pm - Timma ""]
[Jan 23,2005 8:31pm - succubus ""]
nice buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[Jan 23,2005 8:35pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
im drinking water, and pepsi becasue im at work....but at least i can watch the game
[Jan 23,2005 8:37pm - JayTUS ""]
I am drinking Dr. Pepper.... hahaha
[Jan 23,2005 8:44pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
as a kid i always thought motley crue should do a Dr. Pepper commercial with the song Dr. Feelgood and just substitute "feelgood" with "pepper". I thought i was a marketing genious
[Jan 23,2005 10:39pm - succubus ""]

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