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Action:Attack Presents! (yet again!): Curl Up And Die, Campion, Beyond the sixth seal, and a poop load of others!

[Jun 13,2003 12:29am - ActionAttack ""]
Action:Attack Presents:

Curl Up And Die (Revelation Records)
Champion (Bridge 9 Records)
Beyond The Sixth Seal
Embrace Today (Deathwish Inc.)
Sex Positions (Deathwish Inc.)
The_Network (Action:Attack! Promotions :spineyes: )

July 14th, Doors at 4:30 p.m. $ (not determined yet). All Ages
P.A.L. 31 Franklin St. Fall River, Ma.
more info at www.actionattack.net

shhheeeeeiiitttt bioootch..
going to be a fucking NASTY show!
don't forget to bring your A:A all access pass, haha

who else is going?
[Jun 13,2003 6:52am - RustedAngel ""]
is there anyway for you to have shows on a weekend night?
[Jun 13,2003 6:59am - the_reverend ""]
damnit, that's on a monday.
I will be doing my radio show.
also, I like that they have week-day show.
[Jun 13,2003 1:27pm - ActionAttack ""]
i never actually books shows for my pleasure, I mostly do it to help band out on tour and rarly is a band in the Mass area on a weekend. but you guys cant piss this show! its going to amazing! Rev have someone else do your radio show! :shocked:

there will be an after party for this. I can almost guarentee this.
[Jun 13,2003 10:26pm - bullets_for_jake ""]
hot damn. both ends of the spectrum there, huh. champion...umbrella. im pretty crappy for saying hot damn. show looks good tho.
[Jun 13,2003 11:49pm - ActionAttack ""]
thanks bro, will i be seeing you there?
[Jun 14,2003 12:09am - bullets_for_jake ""]
mos def. (yes.)

correct me if im wrong, but is A:A against dancing...err moshing..whatever its called these days? for some reason, i seem to remember a show where people were trying to keep the dancing down to a dull roar and i think that A:A was responsible for setting up the show. idk, it might've just been the venue that didnt want any of it going on, i can't really remember.
[Jun 14,2003 12:30am - ActionAttack ""]
that wasn't us bro haha
i want kids to dance (mosh) It's all about good times.
all the kids in AA mosh it up durring our shows, I beraly mosh durring my shows though.

The only time i have to step in and talk to kids is when a fight breaks out. at the underoath show i did in april one kid knocked out a 15 year old kids tooth and i had to say something to him. but other then that I love to see kids dance durring my shows, Its the reason why I put them on, to allow kids to have a good time.
[Jun 14,2003 12:51am - bullets_for_jake ""]
ahh alright, makes sense. was that april 15th show @ the PAL? if it was...thumbs up for slipknot kids.
[Jun 14,2003 1:34am - ActionAttack ""]
nah the underoath show was on april 22nd.

but i think there was a show at the PAL on the 15th, but it wasnt my show.
[Jun 14,2003 9:44pm - xmeltdownx  ""]
i just got the umbrella cd-r. it is amazing. i expect to see these guys blow up soon. i will be at this show for sure. intense
[Jun 16,2003 4:01am - theCZA ""]
ummm...didnt you guys in a:a get all mad at the lawrence show with red chord and automata a while back? bury your dead played too, and kids were knockin out the ceiling tiles and dancin hard etc...and one of you guys in a a:a shirt actually came over to me and my boys and gave US shit for breakin out the tiles, after we had spent time yellin at kids for bein immature?!?!?!?! yea, it was you guys, and one of you went on to give me a speech about it, and then had the nerve to tell me what i can and cant do etc...i didnt forget, and i bet other kids didnt either, hence why kids are askin you the question they are on here...you looked for the kids you "figured" were responsible and tried to be high and mighty about it, and you had the wrong fuckin kids to begin with...most kids can dance and keep it from breakin up a venue and those are the kids we respect...but just cause you set up a show doesnt mean you play god you know? make sure you know who has done wrong before you confront em...its not always the kids who look like the tough guys breaking shit down...sometimes its the bands YOU book who ask for kids to ruin the club, which was EXACTLY what happened that night...peace
[Jun 16,2003 6:48am - RustedAngel ""]
im pretty sure someone who is putting the show on, (booking the bands, paying for the venue, ect) has a little more authority as to what goes on at his show than you or anyone else does.

CZA, why do you try to blame a persons actions on a band? everyone is responsible for their own actions. I don't care if a band tells you to kill everyone in the room, is it meant literally, no. Should go pull out a gun and start blowing people away, NO.

try getting on a show at the P.A.L. in fall river and try to break something or someone, it might happen once, but would end pretty quick because of authority (cops). cops are gay, but if your stupid about it you'd be thrown out or arrested pretty quick. perfect place to have shows if you ask me.


[Jun 16,2003 8:16am - joe/notcommon ""]
cool show daddio,
i am going to try to make it

is the CZA the white member of the wu-tang clan?
because if a member of the wu-tang clan showed up to a show I booked, I would probably blame everything that went wrong on them also
no offense to the old dirty bastard
[Jun 16,2003 8:22am - the_reverend ""]
joe, you lie.
you'd get them to sign your starter jacket.
[Jun 16,2003 8:33am - joe/notcommon ""]
I know, but I wish you hadn't told the whole world!
I have a few autograph's, well quiet riot's autographs
if the CZA, RZA or GZA come to the middle east tonight, then they can sign my ass, but use a soft tip marker so it doesnt hurt
[Jun 16,2003 7:14pm - ActionAttack ""]
ok, CZA,

The show in Lawerance. I can assure you the person that went up to and told you "what not to do" want not me. When the celing tiles were getting broke down I told bury your dead to finish up their set, and then I went up stairs. The person that supposedly went up to you must of been one of my friend, who I did NOT tell to go up to anyone and tell them to stop whatever they were doing.

I do think it was fucked up that kids had the nerve to destroy the celing causing me to pay $300 in damages, but did i blame the bands? no. did some of the band members brake some celing tiles? yes. did i blame the kids in the crowed? no. did they break the ceiling tiles? yes. Insted of being immature and going up to kids saying "hey man! that's a NO NO!", I just politely asked kids to contribute to a donation box to help pay for the damages.

I don't try to "play god" by setting up shows, as you put it. I set up shows because I enjoy it. I do it so people can attend to have fun, wether it be to mosh, dance, or sing, but when celing tiles start to come down, or fights start to break out, I do what i have to do to insure the show does not get shut down.

So I apologize for who ever it was that confroted you about the ceiling tiles and hope you can understand my point of view.

Take care.
[Jun 17,2003 12:49am - Terence ""]
I like setting up shows, I just hate it when something stupid happens. that's when the berserker comes out of me :spineyes:
[Jun 17,2003 2:53am - theCZA ""]
no love lost on you tom, still dont like you at all...did that post of mine have anything to do with you? then zip it next time, and spare me you 2 cents dink
[Jun 17,2003 6:52am - RustedAngel ""]
no CZA this has nothing to do with me, I don't go to any shows at all, in fact, I don't even like music at all... All I do is sit in my room and play battleship against myself. Who is scott? what is action:attack!?

I wasn't asking you to like me, but if thats all you have to say then I why do you bother posting about stuff like this if you have nothing valuble to say about it.

it just seemed like you were 'pointing fingers' (what I thought you hated) and you were pointing at the wrong person...see actionattack post ^^^

It would have been one thing for you to ignore my post, but you didn't even bother to acknowledge the person you pointed your finger at. dur.


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