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what would deniro say?

[Jan 22,2005 1:39am - BornSoVile ""]
"never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut."
[Jan 22,2005 2:33am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
"I want you to get this fuck where he breaths, i want him dead, his family dead. i want his house burnt to the gorund, i wanna go there in the middle of the night and piss on their ashes !"
[Jan 22,2005 3:25am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
suck on this
[Jan 22,2005 4:49am - MikeFuck ""]
"Whats up guys, my names Robert Deniro, you may call me Bobbycakes"
[Jan 22,2005 9:26am - dirteecrayon ""]
where the black women at?

[Jan 22,2005 11:30am - litacore ""]
"pretty much"


JIMMY CONWAY: "what's the matter with you?"
SCARED AS FUCK ACCOMPLICE IN THE ROBBERY (he should be scared): ". . . Jimmy I'm sorry . . . "
JIMMY CONWAY: "what's the matter with you?"
SCARED AS FUCK ACCOMPLICE IN THE ROBBERY (he should be scared): ". . . Jimmy I'm sorry . . . it's in my mother's name . . . "
JIMMY CONWAY (turning back to him): "What was that? You being a fuckin' wiseguy with me?"

MAURY: "Jimmy can we talk now?"
JIMMY CONWAY: "You know you're a pisser? You're a real pisser. You wanna talk now?"
MAURY (eager): "yes"
JIMMY CONWAY: "Okay, let's talk. Let's get it over with. Swear to God I never knew a ballbuster like you in my whole life."
MAURY: "Oh Come ON, Jimmy! Who loves ya more than I do? I'd do anything for ya!"
JIMMY CONWAY: "Sure ya would, except to stop breakin' my balls!"

HAHAHA, Maury gets an icepick in the back of the head about fifteen seconds later. Awesome film.
[Jan 22,2005 12:20pm - litacore ""]
"you taking to me? you talking to me?"


"I wanna go out . . y'know I really wanna . . . man, I got some bad ideas in my head, I just can't . . . "

DENIRO: "You don't know know one named Iris?"
KIETEL: "Nah, man, I don't know no one named Iris. Listen, why don't you go back to your tribe before you get hurt, alright?"
DENIRO: "You got a gun?"
KIETEL (flicks cigarette at him): "Hey FUCK OFF"
DENIRO (shoots Keitel in the abdomen): "Suck on this."
[Jan 22,2005 12:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
one day a real rain will come
[Jan 22,2005 2:49pm - succubus in deering nh  ""]
dirteecrayon said:where the black women at?


best reply in this thread so far...
[Jan 22,2005 5:09pm - Scoracrasia ""]
"Look at the size of that trunk. You could fit 5 bodies in there!"
[Jan 22,2005 8:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
"don't over cook it, you over cook it, it defeats it's own purpose"

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