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converge tomorrow is NOT sold out

[Jun 12,2003 10:34pm - mike_m  ""]
despite popular belief, the converge show tomorrow in allston is most certainly NOT sold out.

There are PLENTY of tickets available.
show starts at 6:30 tomorrow at the ICC.
[Jun 12,2003 11:27pm - RustedAngel ""]

no not really, but I can't really get bring myself to listen to them anymore.
[Jun 12,2003 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I went there to get an other ticket, but it was closed.
oh well, I got a ticket any how.
should be a great show. and BT is awesome too.
[Jun 13,2003 12:24am - joe/notcommon ""]
i think converge has and always will suck
[Jun 13,2003 5:56am - George ""]
converge definetly does not suck.

they are one of the few hardcore bands actually worth listening to. them and botch. ahh botch.
[Jun 13,2003 9:38am - the_reverend ""]
I like converge a lot
though, with only one guitar player, most of their songs don't sound right. How hard would it be for them to get another one?
what kid wouldn't try out for converge?
[Jun 13,2003 4:06pm - easyed_69 ""]
So what's the estimate of the tickets available?

Like if I show up around 6, would I still be able to get a ticket, or should I show up earlier?
[Jun 13,2003 5:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm wondering if 6:30 is doors or band.
I'm leaving in a few minutes, I guess.
[Jun 14,2003 12:59am - the_reverend ""]
Home and I'm working on the pictures now.
[Jun 14,2003 1:53am - the_reverend ""]
Damn, it! my internet went do for 30 mintues.
crap caomcast.
pics are up. there are only a couple ones from converge.

embrace today: I showed up for only the last 2 songs of their set, but the room was full and the kids where going off. I wished I had gotten there earlier, but I guess next time.

underoath: pretty positive and and good. there are still a few parts of their songs I don't care for, but like the MTV hit "when thesun sleeps".

bleeding through: every time I see them, I swear they get more heavey. I'm definitely a fan and I hope the next CD will rock as much as the old one.

converge: all I have to say is whoah. this is the best performance of converge I've seen. It was fucking amazing. The drummer was so tight and I was up there to see it all. Head walking, stage diving, moshing and all. There wasn't a safe place to stand in the whole place. I believe they played conduit, towering jehovah, amongst others, then "finished" with the saddest day. then they came back and played 2 tracks off the agoraphobic nosebleed split (locust reign and one other). I'm not sure the name of the track they finished with, but it was awesome too.
[Jun 14,2003 2:35am - joostin ""]
kurt ballou seems to be putting on a lot of weight...
[Jun 14,2003 8:28am - joe/notcommon ""]
yeah that guy looks like a fat bastard
[Jun 14,2003 9:03am - easyed_69 ""]
I think they ended with This Is Mine.....not sure though. But damn, during Locust Reign and Conduit, I got completely destroyed. It was awesome.

I was sick as hell, but I still enjoyed the show. I was dancing for like the first 4 songs of converge, got punched in the face, threw up, than returned for some more. Fuckin great.

Oh, and I got to high five Reverend with Mark from UCW and stand next to him during the first half of bleeding through, I feel so star struck!!!!

Bleeding Through fuckin rocked, and the keyboardist is so goddamn hot.

Underoath were all right, but nothing really special. Me and my friend couldn't stop laughing at the keyboardist because he was going completely insane for nothing, and that he looked like Angus from the movie "Angus".

Embrace Today were pretty good......they're a little to preachy about being straight edge, but still good nonetheless.

Love is Red were suprisingly good. They sounded kind of like Shai Hulud.
[Jun 14,2003 9:28am - bullets_for_jake ""]
wow, thats some awesome coverage rev. i suck wicked bad for not going to this. goddamn.

yah i've seen underoath a couple of times and their keyboardist goes wild for absolutely no reason at all...but then again, how exactly do you act when your playing a keyboard at one of these shows? molly from bleeding through acts comatose the whole set which i think is pretty weird.

just looking through the converge pictures, i noticed one picture had, what looked to be, jake's fist is in some crowd surfers crotch pretty badly. that had to be akward for at least one of em. damnit i cant find the picture now...
[Jun 14,2003 9:43am - easyed_69 ""]
Yeah, I got punched in the face by Jacob....it sucked.

Also, it was fuckin hilarious to see Matt Pike get up in front and start punching and pushing everyone that was around him.

And is it just me or does Matt wear the same goddamn Patriots jersey at every show?
[Jun 14,2003 12:49pm - the_reverend ""]
you are talking about that picture. I had to put that one up just because of that.

The keyboardist for underoath is awesome cause he rocks out hard. I think that he looks like Dauber Dybinski (Bill Fagerbakke) from coach. It's awesome that he moves around so much.

The keyboardist from BT doesnt move around cause she's got black eye makeup on. I think. And yes, she is cute, but a girl being on stage 10x's her looks. She should hang bang a little or something, maybe tap her foot.
[Jun 14,2003 12:55pm - ActionAttack ""]
am i seeing things or is jake punching that kid in the balls?
[Jun 14,2003 3:25pm - xmikex ""]
post by joostin at Jun 14,2003 2:35am

kurt ballou seems to be putting on a lot of weight...

skinny is out, fat is in. grab a hog jowel and join the party
[Jun 14,2003 8:31pm - nick ""]
all those guys in bleeding through wore the same shirts they did 2 days before at the met cafe. true story.
[Jun 15,2003 1:41am - bullets_for_jake ""]
hahaha yes, thats it. thats some r-rated bag touching. fuck.

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