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Mortician / Incantation / The Chasm / Arsis / Shadowfax

the Asylum (Portland, ME) - [funerus][incantation][randomshots][shadowfacts][the_chasm]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Jan 21,2005 12:37pm - succubus ""]
Fri Jan 21 The Asylum Portland.ME
21+ / Doors 8pm / $10
Mortician / Incantation / The Chasm / Arsis / Shadowfax

rev's going...anyone else?
[Jan 21,2005 12:50pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Shadowfax?!? Come the fuck on. Is that a real band or a band goofing on bands who name themselves after Lord of the Rings stuff? How could you play in a band called Shadowfax and fuck women?

Say hi to Will and Mac for me.
[Jan 21,2005 12:52pm - RustedAngel ""]
shadowfax? I thought vertigod was on this?
[Jan 21,2005 12:57pm - RustedAngel ""]
"12.23..04—Vertigod won't be playing the Asylum show on December 30. The band is on hiatus. "
[Jan 21,2005 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 21,2005 1:31pm - Aegathis ""]
damn it why couldnt this come to Ma? Ny and Me are too far to go for me.
[Jan 21,2005 1:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
maine isn't that far from MA....
[Jan 21,2005 1:50pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I'm on the guestlist and can bring anyone with me, but my ride has not called me in like 3 days ,so i beleieve i won't be goin.
[Jan 21,2005 1:52pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I might go . MIGHT.
[Jan 21,2005 2:12pm - Aegathis  ""]
3 hours away from me
[Jan 21,2005 2:25pm - blue ""]
id go, but i gots moe staying with me right now, so thats a big no go.
[Jan 21,2005 2:27pm - the_reverend ""]
turn that "no go" into a "moe, go!"
[Jan 21,2005 2:40pm - soilworker ""]
i want to go to this so bad but its 21+ which is so stupid. the asylum has not had an all age show or even 18 + in so long
[Jan 21,2005 2:41pm - blue ""]
the_reverend said:turn that "no go" into a "moe, go!"

moe would go, but moe = not 21.
[Jan 21,2005 2:42pm - litacore ""]
I'd go if I wasn't going to the NY show tomorrow. Gotta economize.
[Jan 21,2005 7:06pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving now.
[Jan 21,2005 7:10pm - succubus ""]
umm i posted like 10 minutes ago saying that the rev was leaving in a few
we had just been chasing each other around the house HAH!

but it neve came up

[Jan 21,2005 9:07pm - succubus ""]
mortician's van broke down
and arsis didn't show up

update from aaron
show didn't start yet
and he's playin his nintendo ds
[Jan 21,2005 9:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
freaking mortician needs their ride pimped by mtv.
[Jan 21,2005 10:12pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
So I should be glad I didn't waste my time goin then? sounds like this show is goin to shit.
[Jan 21,2005 10:38pm - succubus ""]
aaron saw yer name on the list too todd but he hadn't seen you .. now i know why

[Jan 21,2005 10:43pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I offered the kid a ride, said we were on the guestlist and offered to give him money for drinks cause he was broke,And he still blew me off!!
[Jan 22,2005 1:24am - BornSoVile ""]
i kinda like incantation's new shit, i wonder how it is live.
[Jan 22,2005 2:14am - the_reverend ""]
well, I'm back.
[Jan 22,2005 2:30am - the_reverend ""]
pictures will be uploading shortly.
tired.. need bed now.
[Jan 22,2005 2:30am - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 22,2005 3:00am - anonymous  ""]
its actually shadow facts people keep fucking up the spelling
[Jan 22,2005 7:45am - succubus ""]
i spelled it the way it was written on the site..
[Jan 22,2005 10:03am - dunwichnli  ""]
I had a great time. The Chasm totally stole the show in my opinion...most american bands just don't have that kind of earnest energy. Funeris and Incantation both sounded pretty good but I was pretty tired by the time they played. There could have been quite a few more people there but it was interesting to see some metal fans coming out of the wood work in Maine.
[Jan 22,2005 10:44am - anonymous  ""]
Hey Listen,
First of all it's Shadow FACTS, not Shadowfax, and second of all who the fuck do you think you are talking shit about me and my band? What's in a name...a name don't mean shit...so what I happen to like Lord of the Rings, that does not in any way imply that I'm a fagget, so I guess all I have to say is don't judge this book by it's cover, you don't know us, you don't know what we're about so keep your fucking mouth shut. If you wanna have a good intelligent conversation sometime look us up if not, shut the fuck up.
The Dutch Destroyer aka Luc from ShadowFacts
[Jan 22,2005 11:14am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Oh, boo hoo... sticks & stones.
[Jan 22,2005 12:17pm - soilworker ""]
was it a good turnout or not?
[Jan 22,2005 12:46pm - todayistheday  ""]
there looks to be about five people there based on the incantation pics
[Jan 22,2005 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]
last night was wicked, wicked cold. Mortician broke down in CT and Arsis was MIA. the hint I got was that they were missing from the whole tour... sad...

shadowfacts: they were ok. I liked a few of their songs. I'm also not sure about the "name" thing as for the first time, probably ever, I spelled a name CORRECTLY. There were some parts of songs that I didn't like. Over all it sounded a lot like the band crematotium (from cali). They also covered the faded line by lamb of god. I was truly taken by surprise that anyone is covering LOG. especially a song that came out a few months ago. I would expected something older.. or off burn the priest. weird.

the chasm: I fully agree. they seriously stole the show. they were awesome. even the new stuff was really really good. I did notice that the older songs had more of a slayer infulence to the with some falsettos tossed in. I definitely need to pressure Earache more to get their CD that came out in Novemeber. the crowd was the largest by far for them (to quote one person from the crowd "best band pictured on your site"). I talked to them afterwards (well the singer and the tour manager). being from mexico, they obviously spoke spanish... it was probably the clearest, cleanest spanish I've heard. they gave me 2 cds that are sideprojects and some label contact to get in touch with in mexico city.

funerus: they got up on stage and I'm like "kyle and jon are the only ones left in incantation? what happened to the bass player?" nope, this was another band. it was jon/kyle from incantation and a girl on bass who did most of the vocals. they didn't have as much energy as an incantation show. I think the girl was sick so that probably did it. it was still pretty good.

incantation: by this time, a lot of people had filtered out. the front was just full of a bunch of drunken people spilling beer everywhere. after the low-engery from funerus, I was expecting the same from incantation, but I was wrong. they came out with a lot of energy and played a great set. kyle's drumming sounded awesome and jon was shredding up a storm. the new CD is good, but I liked the older tracks better. I dressed up and was ready to head out when they played the title track from the new CD, Decimate Christendom, but decided to stick around. I was soooooooo happy I did. they song they ended on was annont the chosen (from infernal storm). that song is super sick. As I was listening, I noticed a lot of hyper-shred riffs and progressions that reminded me of Ascendancy. I never asked Ascendacy who their influences were.. but maybe they pulled from incantation. they also played tracks off of diabolical conquest which is my favorite CD.

on the way home, I was listening to 90.9 (which is WBUR down here), but they were playing a tape/record set from the 1960's that taught you how to respond correctly to a yellow page ad. It was hilarious. I listened for over 30 minutes and now, I'm ready to sell snakeoil from yellow page ads. it was well worth it.
[Jan 22,2005 2:43pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
The "girl " in Funerus is Jon's(Incantation),Wife.
[Jan 22,2005 2:46pm - succubus in deering nh  ""]
that's funny...
when you called me on your way home you sorta woke me up and i remember you making me hear the radio...and then i think when you got in you mentioned something too but i was half asleep as well....so it wasn't a dream
[Jan 22,2005 2:52pm - reuben ""]
90.9 iswmpg, local college radio in Portland an Gorham.
[Jan 22,2005 5:56pm - the tards boyfriend  ""]
god damn I hate the Ass Ylum...
I was next door drinking bourbon after practice...
I would have liked to see The Chasm but that place stinks.
[Jan 22,2005 6:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
incantation is not a direct influence on Ascendancy. I like alot of their older material. I think Incantation has toured South America more than any other band.
[Jan 22,2005 11:22pm - anonymous  ""]
this was the gayest show ever go back to dungeons and dragons
[Jan 22,2005 11:31pm - litacore ""]
Incantation influenced my vocals a lot even they've had different singers on almost every CD. I think Jon does a really good job with the gutturals on the new CD; I dunno why he didn't start into that sooner in their career. *shrugs*
[Jan 22,2005 11:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
I fucking love old incantation. last time i saw them at the met i just didn't feel the performance. i liked them a when they did metalfest can't remember the year. sweet pics rev! the bass player for incantation looks cool to shoot. i requested a few rotates on the chasm, sorry to be a nag!
[Jan 22,2005 11:39pm - mikehuntstinks ""]
that was a great show, the place has a great PA system
[Jan 23,2005 12:48am - the_reverend ""]
Josh, I got the requests and fixed them.
thank you.
[Jan 23,2005 12:49am - anonymous  ""]
[FONT=XSmall">Josh Martin...The Shadow Facts guys are not faggots. They are very straight guys... Especially Ryan, one of the guitarist, who is my boyfriend, and does fuck me often... There fore he is not a faggot. Go fuck yourself and suck some cock you asshole.
[Jan 23,2005 5:26pm - anonymous  ""]
shadowfacts, first national gig was awsome, you guys rule!!!!!!!!
[Jan 23,2005 11:09pm - anonymous  ""]
i completely fucking agree!!!!! the sound was awsome, the energy was awsome. that's somethin i can really get into!!
[Feb 11,2005 9:51pm - Brittany, Lyzzi and Toast  ""]
I'm loving the Shadow Facts Bitches!
[Oct 10,2007 1:21am - RichHorror ""]
anonymous said:Hey Listen,
First of all it's Shadow FACTS, not Shadowfax, and second of all who the fuck do you think you are talking shit about me and my band? What's in a name...a name don't mean shit...so what I happen to like Lord of the Rings, that does not in any way imply that I'm a fagget, so I guess all I have to say is don't judge this book by it's cover, you don't know us, you don't know what we're about so keep your fucking mouth shut. If you wanna have a good intelligent conversation sometime look us up if not, shut the fuck up.
The Dutch Destroyer aka Luc from ShadowFacts

Possibly the greatest post ever on this board.
[Oct 10,2007 8:28am - the_reverend ""]
they broke up a 1 1/2 year ago

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