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history of the swastika

[Jan 21,2005 8:30am - succubus ""]
i guess it was a hindu symbol first..and i positive thing

since prince "charming" (sarcasm) wore that outfit, i guess he pissed people off and now they want to ban anything to do with the swastika..however, it was a hindu symbol first
[Jan 21,2005 8:32am - succubus ""]
i was listening to NPR on my ride home last night..twas interesting
[Jan 21,2005 8:39am - dirtycrayon  ""]
theres a girl on my campus who is from tanzania and she has a necklace that has a swastika on it. she gets so much shit for wearing but she refuses to take it off. but she has balls to wear a necklace like that in a predominatly jewish area.

from what she told me the necklace has been in her family and has been passed down and what not.
[Jan 21,2005 8:41am - the_reverend ""]
native americans used a "backwards" one for some symbol of life/the sun
[Jan 21,2005 8:51am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:native americans used a "backwards" one for some symbol of life/the sun

no we didn't.

in your dreams.
[Jan 21,2005 10:47am - VengefulandGodless ""]
you ever notice one of the levels in the first Zelda is a shaped like a Swastika.
[Jan 21,2005 10:50am - Christraper ""]
The swastika goes both ways. When its pointing counter clockwise its the "sun wheel" representing life and fertility. When its pointing clockwise (the version the nazis butchered) its a symbol of absolute power. Each arch represents the hammer of Thor. And yes the native americans used the counterclockwise version too. So there. Swastikas are cool.
[Jan 21,2005 11:10am - Abbath ""]
it was a rune symbol for the vikings
[Jan 21,2005 11:34am - dalethepuke  ""]
i think tom used to wear swastikas when he went to his "meetings" at night. It was reallly strange, he was always dressed up in this odd looking white sheet costume, never could fiqure it out.
[Jan 21,2005 12:19pm - Christraper ""]
Tom? A closed minded nazi? Never!
[Jan 22,2005 10:32am - dunwichnli  ""]
The swastika as a sunwheel is almost a universal symbol. The Japanese used to use it too (prior to WWII) in addition to the Norse, Native Americans, Hindus, Aztecs, etc.
[Jan 22,2005 12:44pm - MASlayer  ""]
I think it's funny that white supremists use a symbol based in a religion they would like to wipe out if they had their way...
[Jan 22,2005 1:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
There's a building in Medford, Ma built around 1900 that uses Swastikas as its main decorative flair, and they point clockwise. I think they're trying to imply that the sub shop and thai place in the building will crush all of my other dining choices.
[Jan 22,2005 2:08pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
dunwichnli said:The swastika as a sunwheel is almost a universal symbol.

Indeed... It's a shame that a symbol can gain such automatic negative stigma for one perverted use of it, when it has had uses in virtually every culture of the world. The cross or sickle and hammer stand as much for genocide as does the swastika, yet there is no negative stigma attached to those symbols - political "correctness" is very corky.
[Jan 22,2005 2:25pm - damnose ""]
yep yep.

my favorite ironic swastika use is in the Great Gatsby; Wolfsheim (I think that's his name) is Jewish, and works for (owns? I haven't read it in years) the "Swastika Trading Company" or something.
[Jan 22,2005 2:59pm - reuben ""]
saw an article in Juxtapoz magazine a couple years ago about the swazy, apparently it was a very popular symbol in American advertising up until ww2, they had pictures of old coke ads and nabisco ads and kids toys with that shit all over 'em, aswell as native american blankeys and an old picture of an all girl ice hockey team from the US with big swazys knit into the front of thier sweaters, pretty funny shit
[Jan 22,2005 4:55pm - androgynous  ""]
everyone uses the sawstika I like to use it as mundalfari and as the celtic protectyion cross

I mean my stricly catholic aunt has one above her door i think nothing is wrong with that do you?

my take is it is a double standard, the nazis used the iron cross too if not more than the swastika, how many people died with from some army with the cross on thier arms or sheilds.


that will bassically tll you more than i can type
[Jan 22,2005 4:56pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
damnose said:yep yep.

my favorite ironic swastika use is in the Great Gatsby; Wolfsheim (I think that's his name) is Jewish, and works for (owns? I haven't read it in years) the "Swastika Trading Company" or something.

When I had to read that book in 10th grade a bunch of faggot kids in my class started calling F. Scott Fitzgerald a racist because of that company. In response our teacher did a fucking waste of time unit on anti-semitism and I had to read Night for the 3rd time in three years. Fuck Night and fuck Elie Wiesel.
[Jan 22,2005 6:21pm - dread_104 ""]
the_reverend said:native americans used a "backwards" one for some symbol of life/the sun

I use a "forwards" one for a symbol of jew hating.

[Jan 22,2005 6:23pm - dread_104 ""]
damnose said:yep yep.

my favorite ironic swastika use is in the Great Gatsby; Wolfsheim (I think that's his name) is Jewish, and works for (owns? I haven't read it in years) the "Swastika Trading Company" or something.

my mother named me Scott after F. Scott Fitzgerald. She loves Gatsby

[Jan 22,2005 11:36pm - mikehuntstinks ""]
I wear my swastika to show my love for mankind! see everyone hilter was a senceitive man:krusty::krusty:
[Jan 22,2005 11:46pm - SINOFANGELS-RAY ""]
Who said Manson Didn't know what he was doing when getting that Tatoo, go figure ..
[Jan 22,2005 11:51pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
sometime within the next few months i'm getting a tattoo of a lotus flower on each wrist and i don't know if i'm going to include a swastika inside each one or not. it's me really wanting to include them vs everyone being gay about swastikas
[Jan 23,2005 12:57am - damnose ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:
When I had to read that book in 10th grade a bunch of faggot kids in my class started calling F. Scott Fitzgerald a racist because of that company. In response our teacher did a fucking waste of time unit on anti-semitism and I had to read Night for the 3rd time in three years. Fuck Night and fuck Elie Wiesel.

oh man, Elie Wiesel. I go to BU, so I can't escape him. He gets paid far too much to appear on their professor emeritus list and give two or three lectures per year, while I'll probably be paying back my loans until I'm 40.

Surviving genocide + publicity whoring = profit. Anyone want to try to kill off every Irish-Italian-American, so I can write a book about my experience and make millions?

[Jan 23,2005 1:36am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
damnose said:

oh man, Elie Wiesel. I go to BU, so I can't escape him. He gets paid far too much to appear on their professor emeritus list and give two or three lectures per year, while I'll probably be paying back my loans until I'm 40.

Surviving genocide + publicity whoring = profit. Anyone want to try to kill off every Irish-Italian-American, so I can write a book about my experience and make millions?

What really fucking pissed me off about that fucker was around the time the second Intifadah began and he went on CNN in support of the construction of a cement wall around the West Bank and advocated rounding up the Palestinians and either deporting them or putting them in prison camps. The only thing the piece of shit learned from history is that it can be used to as a blank-check of guilt.

Plus there's some debate if he was even in a camp during the second world war. Prior to publishing Night he claimed to have been liberated from Dachau, after the book came out his story had him being liberated from Aucshwitz or Buchenwald.
[Jan 23,2005 8:58am - androgynous  ""]

lj community much general info there
[Jan 24,2005 12:52am - blow‘n chunks on cunts  ""]
i like swaztikas more than i have ever liked any jew..we should have a holocaust revival and kill a few million more of those hook nosed greedy jew pigs..hitler was right..every jew should fuckin die
[Jan 26,2005 11:17am - succubus ""]
i like that book "night"

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