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Coffin Birth on myspace

[Jan 20,2005 1:26pm - Aegathis ""]
2 songs thrown on there, i know the quality sounds funny but i should be remedying that when i can. And yes the drums are programmed, cant afford drum mics or a drummer at the moment.
[Jan 20,2005 2:20pm - Aegathis ""]
[Jan 20,2005 2:42pm - Aegathis ""]
oh yea i forgot to add the link how foolish of me http://www.myspace.com/coffinbirth
[Jan 20,2005 2:46pm - Christraper ""]
yea i added you to my list
[Jan 20,2005 3:41pm - Aegathis ""]
yes you did, awsome
[Jan 20,2005 3:42pm - Scoracrasia ""]
I added your black ass.
[Jan 20,2005 4:28pm - Aegathis ""]
phat nigga
[Jan 20,2005 4:29pm - Abbath ""]
stop whoring your thread punk!
[Jan 20,2005 4:35pm - Aegathis ""]
i got your postcard today brion:spineyes:
[Jan 20,2005 4:36pm - Abbath ""]
[Jan 20,2005 4:41pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Wow that is some sick shit! I like that alot.....Need to hear more!!!
[Jan 20,2005 5:54pm - Aegathis ""]
theres plenty more songs written , and i maybe able to record them soon. Quite frankly id like to record them using the interface ive got , instead of wasting my time on the crappy br8.The Boss br8 kinda brings down the quality.
[Jan 27,2005 12:50pm - Aegathis ""]
I guess someone on the 13 Winters forum said Coffin birth was one of the worst band names that they had ever heard.
[Jan 27,2005 12:51pm - litacore ""]
consider the source though
[Jan 27,2005 1:50pm - Aegathis ""]
right exactly, i think it was an annonymous poster though, I remember Abbath pointed it out. Thats funny though , i havent heard one complaint about the band name in its near 2 year existance, i was expecting there to be a lot personally but not from someone who likes 13 Winters.
[Jan 27,2005 1:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I love your logo, so cool.
[Jan 27,2005 2:21pm - Aegathis ""]
My girlfriend Maegan actually made it , she also made the Valhalla logo and the Inheritance logo. I'm sure she wouldnt mind makeing another one for some one else.
[Jan 27,2005 2:23pm - Abbath ""]
she sure did, it was most metal of her
[Jan 27,2005 2:39pm - Aegathis ""]
she also did this


It says Aegathis ,if ya couldnt tell :spineyes:
[Jan 27,2005 2:42pm - litacore ""]
that's pretty awesome!

I drew our logo with a good old fashioned sharpie
[Jan 27,2005 5:11pm - Aegathis  ""]
Wow , The rev finally added himself, now i just need to get Tom on there>:]
[Jan 30,2005 8:45pm - Aegathis  ""]
New song to be up soon, thats gonna put the other ones to shame>:]

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