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a gift for XmikeX

[Jun 11,2003 2:22pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
you can use this instead of having to type out stuff when you insult people :NEWHORNS:

[Jun 11,2003 2:57pm - bullets_for_jake ""]
did you make that? rad. next you should work on an illiteracy meter.

just kidding. funny concept.
[Jun 11,2003 3:02pm - XmikeX ""]
a small step for man, a giant leap for asshole kind. truly a breakthrough in jerk technology. :NEWHORNS:
[Jun 11,2003 3:08pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
isnt faggot spelt with two "g"s
[Jun 11,2003 3:09pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
its a 1337 version
[Jun 11,2003 3:57pm - the_reverend ""]
while you are at it, make some new smiley faces for me.
that blue one sux.
[Jun 12,2003 4:45pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
just steal yahoo's faces... those rule. i can also get like a million more at the many smilie sites on the net. do a search you lazy bum! :middlefinger: :p
[Jun 12,2003 9:25pm - wee...bink! ""]
Wh47 7h3 fuckz0rz y0u h4xz0red my b477l35h1p!

B4tl35h1p 5unk!

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