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New Last Days of Humanity

[Jan 17,2005 11:58pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]

From the new Ep of the same name....

[Jan 18,2005 2:39pm - Dissector ""]
[Jan 18,2005 4:22pm - armageddonday ""]
Todd, can you get in touch with me about a show please?
Anne 401 521 6667
[Mar 12,2005 12:27pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
It's a sad day for goregrind....LDOH apparently split up,They are recording songs for 1 more full length,then that is it.This sucks balls!!
[Mar 12,2005 1:17pm - Dissector ""]
Yeah I read this about a week ago on their website, sad news.
[Mar 12,2005 1:58pm - projectilevomit ""]
i had herd for a long time they were splitting up...very very sad indeed wish i coulda seen them but i guess haivng a viedo of one of thier shows for 95 will hafta do
[Mar 12,2005 11:56pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
god that shit was fucking terrible. what do you see in this?
[Mar 13,2005 12:00am - xdunnyx ""]
haha no shit, the vocals are ridiculously fake, and everything sounds jumbled together like a bunch of pots and pans thrown down stairs.repeatedly.
[Mar 13,2005 12:48pm - XmikeX ""]
xdunnyx said:haha no shit, the vocals are ridiculously fake, and everything sounds jumbled together like a bunch of pots and pans thrown down stairs.repeatedly.

[Mar 13,2005 12:50pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
XmikeX said:xdunnyx said:haha no shit, the vocals are ridiculously fake, and everything sounds jumbled together like a bunch of pots and pans thrown down stairs.repeatedly.


It's GOREGRIND fellas,it ain't supposed to sound all pretty and over produced
[Mar 13,2005 3:50pm - xdunnyx ""]
Todd_Bombshelter said:

It's GOREGRIND fellas,it ain't supposed to sound all pretty and over produced

Yeah i know, when CBT covers LDOH i like it, when LDOH does LDOH i hate it, go figure.
[Mar 13,2005 3:52pm - Dissector ""]
I hate CBT. I think theyre boring as hell
[Mar 13,2005 6:18pm - VEsGORE  ""]
you pussy fuck
[Mar 13,2005 10:52pm - XmikeX ""]
Todd_Bombshelter said:XmikeX said:xdunnyx said:haha no shit, the vocals are ridiculously fake, and everything sounds jumbled together like a bunch of pots and pans thrown down stairs.repeatedly.


It's GOREGRIND fellas,it ain't supposed to sound all pretty and over produced

The effects on the vocals are what kills this band for me. It takes alot of dudes a long and alot of hard work to get their vocals to do what they want them to do. I just have a hard time respecting a band that cheats that like. I dunno man.

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