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the jerk is at it again, new songs up

[Jan 17,2005 10:58pm - grindwhore666 ""]
http://www.myspace.com/ironbitchface yep, new shit on there

other crap

strawberry tattoos video

cat got sick video

cookie monster with his nuts stuck in a meat grinder video

grindwhore666:live and other shit dvd trailer

ironbitchface website:

[Jan 18,2005 7:46am - Josh_hates_you ""]
grindwhore666 said:
cookie monster with his nuts stuck in a meat grinder video

best video ever.
[Jan 20,2005 11:27pm - grindwhore666 ""]
yeah, it was a good day when that kid sent me that. i was very amused!
[Jan 21,2005 4:49am - MikeFuck ""]
If Skeleton Lake is anything like Zombie Lake, then I hate myself and I want to die right now

"I HATE STRAWBERRIES" at the end of Straw is beautiful
[Jan 22,2005 12:06pm - grindwhore666 ""]
i stopped in my tracks when the guy yelled that live haha when stuff like that happens it is truley amazing! i'm really glad it got caught on film. some of the good crowd yelling doesn't always pic up on the camera mic.

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