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vocalist looking for death mteal band, RI/MA area

[Jun 10,2003 9:42pm - XeatadickX ""]
hi, my straight edge metal band idea went to shit, so im gonna listen to all my asshole friends and try to get into a death metal band. i can play guitar, but i dont think im good enough to play in the kind of death metal band i want to be in.

i have my own mic and PA, just no mixer. but thats ok, im raw like leather.

uh, i guess some vocal influences would be: Aborted, Wormed, Cinerary, Carcass, Beheaded, Vomit Remnants, Suffocation, Godless Truth, Suture, Brodequin, Dying Fetus, Enmity, so on and so forth...i guess the really pukey, gutteral stuff, but i can scream too.

and yeah, i live in cumberland, so i guess a band in central/northern ri up to southern ma would be cool

shit, as always, aim: xXxSwornOathxXx
email: straightedgetom@earthlink.net
[Jun 10,2003 9:51pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Sick fucking influences hopefully you can find a good band, good luck bro.
[Jun 10,2003 10:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I suggest you go check out STE or SCD this saturday. get in with a few of the death-vomit-grind kids and maybe you can steal some members.
[Jun 10,2003 10:34pm - XeatadickX ""]
hell yeah im gonna go scd, they tore it up in maryland. brodequin were also "sick, brutal, unrelenting, blasting" and every other death metal compliment ever. its defnitely gonna tear up as220...

im hopin to dance pretty hard to brodequin, theyve got a crazy new drummer, and tons of slam/breakdown parts

hopin to see a bunch of you kids there, keep metal alive, boys and girls.

[Jun 11,2003 12:32am - pshr  ""]
there's nothing metal about "dancing"
[Jun 11,2003 12:39am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
haha man ill be dancing with you for brodequin, me and you will probably be the only kids dancing but oh well hahah. We should catch up at the show ill give you an STE demo. Hope to see you people at the STE show and the brodequin show, keep it brutal
[Jun 11,2003 9:26am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Brodequin's new drummer is the drummer of Foetopsy... right?
[Jun 11,2003 9:52am - the_reverend ""]
the drummer for Brodequin's got a side project, it's called Foetopsy.
[Jun 11,2003 2:07pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
well all that matters is that both bands have the same drummer
[Jun 11,2003 2:48pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Jon was in Foetopsy before he was added to Brodequin. Thus is why he is the "new" drummer of Brodequin, and Foetopsy is really a side project of Screaming Afterbirth, just if you all were wondering. Anyways what time is that show Sat? I hear all sorts of times and shit. Some one post that shit so I can skip work.

Devon - Vocals (TYAG)
[Jun 11,2003 9:44pm - XeatadickX ""]
god damn, why do you have to go on an oddessy and a half just to get something going around here? this makes me want to die
[Jun 11,2003 9:45pm - jesus ""]
so kill yourself
[Jun 13,2003 12:36am - joe/notcommon ""]
how come nobody has told me the name of the broad from the acacia strain?
[Jun 20,2003 6:29am - the_reverend ""]
I just realized I've seen screaming afterbirth before.
[Jun 20,2003 10:04am - tyagxgrind ""]
Any luck with finding a band bro?
[Oct 30,2004 9:48pm - anonymous  ""]
[Oct 30,2004 9:49pm - anonymous  ""]
[Oct 30,2004 11:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
joe/notcommon said:how come nobody has told me the name of the broad from the acacia strain?

haha I am such an asshole, it's great.
[Oct 31,2004 1:58am - tomx nli  ""]
holy shit this is old

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