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any band need a damn singer?

[Jun 9,2003 11:22pm - bitterlowz ""]
well dammit im available and im not yet washed up..i just love it..email me at bitterlowz@aol.com if interested..thanks
[Jun 9,2003 11:26pm - bitterlowz ""]
oh and i used to sing for envelope..i have cds if you wanna listen
[Jun 10,2003 1:08am - XmikeX ""]
i am also available. i am the david lee roth of grindcore. you like it.
[Jun 10,2003 10:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
nobody wants a singer with your attitude
[Jun 10,2003 10:49am - bitterlowz ""]
ha i dont have attitude..sorry for coming off that way.. i do have dedication tho
[Jun 10,2003 11:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha i was just kidding dude guy kid

a cold reality is looking for a singer
[Jun 10,2003 11:24am - bitterlowz ""]
hmm i think ive heard of that band..do they post here? or is there a way i can contact them?
[Jun 10,2003 11:44am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Justin's AIM name is JustinACR or you could go to their site http://www.665.org/acr they are melodic thrash metal and they are fucking awesome
[Jun 10,2003 12:05pm - bitterlowz ""]
cool man thanks..i shall listen when i get out of work.. any other bands people can think of too?
[Jun 11,2003 12:22am - bitterlowz ""]
damn this board moves faster now
[Jun 11,2003 9:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i dont know of any other bands looking for singers
maybe the cheesewillies?
[Jun 11,2003 11:36am - A_Cold_Reality ""]
we need a singer, dont go by the songs on mp3.com to judge our music, shit has drastically changed. I wish i still had our rehearsal mp3s online, but they got deleted from my server. We're jamming out w/ some kids this saturday if you're intrested in checking it out.
[Jun 11,2003 5:06pm - bitterlowz ""]
cool man..so how would you say ur style has changed? like what do you sound like now?
[Jun 11,2003 5:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i heard a demo version (instrumental of course) of some new stuff they wrote, definately awesome

which is great because they were definately good before

[Jun 11,2003 8:18pm - bitterlowz ""]
cool..so it's along the same lines as their older stuff? or maybe different?
[Jun 12,2003 11:51am - A_Cold_Reality ""]
it is still melodic, more thrash, more progressive, heavier, more outside influences, feel free to call my cell phone if u wanna come down and jam on saturday (617)5380647 (I hope i don't get no petifile priest calling me...):satancross:
[Jun 12,2003 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
why are my ears burning?

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