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Action:Attack! looking for employees!

[Jun 9,2003 9:23am - horrigan  ""]
Hey guys,
Action:Attack is looking to take on some new team members. ones that take pride in their work and can accomplish their job without losing track and attempting something else.

Some benifits are:
- Getting into shows we set up for free
- getting into other shows that we didnt set up but know the kid setting up for free
- cheap pins and patches
- metting bands
- mettng people
- getting into all the after partys he have after shows.
- you will learn how to opperate a distribution / label / and a business.
- you will get to work with some great bands and people.
- and much more.

if you interested please e-mail
[Jun 9,2003 3:53pm - ActionAttack ""]
I should elborate on this more.

you get all those benifits, but we don't yet offer paying jobs.
there will be some jobs where you will be getting paid for.

we are looking for:

- graphic designer (for designing CD layouts / T-shirts / Pins/ Patches / etc. for bands and other businesses)

- web designer (designing the Action:Attack web site and other bands and businesses)

- part time team members (working the doors at shows, helping make pins, a little big of everything)

- promoter (hand out fliers, find web sites for us to advertise on find us rates, run our street team)

- disto person(s) (run the Action:Attack distro at shows and decide what we order to have in stock)

- street team members (receive free shit and hand it out at shows, in your school and other places)

I think that's about it.

when we get together to work we listen to music, watch movies, talk and have some pretty fucked up times!

you must be atleast 17
with a car or live in our area (fall river, Ma)
be willing to come down to work if needed.
be open minded
be determined
be focused

and best of all!!!
we get all the 14 year old groupies!

if anyone is interestred e-mail me at:
[Jun 9,2003 6:16pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
if you have a paying job available i will be interested
[Jun 9,2003 7:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
sounds interesting. I might be willing to contribute something, though I am in berwick, ME.
[Jun 9,2003 7:45pm - ActionAttack ""]
would you be interested in being a street team member?
[Jun 9,2003 10:22pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i do graphic design:NEWHORNS:
[Jun 9,2003 10:36pm - Alterak ""]
I'll be in for the street team. I live in Fairhaven, MA
[Jun 10,2003 9:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you guys should carry notcommon titles in your distro
i sell stuff at real cheap wholesale rates because i know most kids are as poor as me

[Jun 10,2003 1:24pm - dreadkill80  ""]
i am a professional graphic designer/web designer as well
[Jun 10,2003 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
the internet? is that thing still around?
[Jun 10,2003 4:59pm - ActionAttack ""]
Dread kill,
can you e-mail me at scott@actionattack.net
with some of your samples?

and anyone who wants to be on the street team please e-mail me!
[Jun 10,2003 5:01pm - ActionAttack ""]
ohh Joe, Id be happy to carry some of the Not Common releases, The more the better!

just e-mail me and we can talk
[Jun 12,2003 10:15pm - ActionAttack ""]
joe, what do you have in your catalog for sale?
give me a list of your CD and prices
[Jun 13,2003 12:35am - joe/notcommon ""]
I have the following as NotCommon releases:

Kevorkian's Angels 'The Sound of Modern Hate'
Kevorkian's Angels are a mix of Iron Maiden, Motorhead, The Ramones and grindcore. 15 track cd

Disengaged 'The Ocean'
Disengaged is a mix of punk and thrash with some ministry type shit mixed in. 10 track cd.

Red Invasion/Bane of Existence split CD
Red Invasion is UK-77 style punk rock, Bane of Existence is death metal with some crusty-grind mixed in. 5 songs from each band, really fun artwork created by Mike Sweatpants Disco and myself.

My older releases are out of print because I rule. I still have copies of the Victims of the Undead compilation however, I can include those free, with the number you get based on how much other stuff you get from me.
Email me if you are interested in anything


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