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Guitarist wanted

[Jan 11,2005 4:08pm - LiesOfAutumn ""]
We are currently looking for a guitarist with at least 3 years experience in the genre. We currently have a bassist, drummer, and 2 vocalists( all of which have prior band experience). You must be able to rehearse 2-3 times a week, have a steady income, own transportation, and good, working equipment( it gets pretty loud in the practice space). We rehearse in Warren, RI( about 20 minutes from Providence).
Some influences include, but are not limited to, are: Converge, On Broken Wings, Psyopus, From A Second Story Window, The Acacia Strain, Ed Gein, Blood Has Been Shed, and Dead To Fall. This is by no means what we want to sound like, just a base foundation of what we like in general.
Please contact Jake at J7even82@aol.com for more information. Thanks!
[Jan 11,2005 4:48pm - Hooker ""]
I just farted.
[Jan 11,2005 7:07pm - hoser ""]
another band with Autumn in the name.....yay.

[Jan 11,2005 7:12pm - blue ""]
lies of autumn is a burn the priest song.
[Jan 11,2005 9:35pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah no shit its only a screen name not our band name
[Jan 11,2005 9:38pm - Hooker ""]
what's the band name?
[Jan 11,2005 9:52pm - anonymous  ""]
no name yet we were nepenthe
[Jan 11,2005 9:57pm - Hooker ""]
weird. in 7th grade i had a band called nepenthene. we were the epitome of faggotry.
[Jan 11,2005 10:41pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
so if those are your influences, what do you guys sound like? i may be interested, but i dunno about most of the influences
[Jan 11,2005 10:55pm - anonymous  ""]
well what are your influences
[Jan 11,2005 11:03pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
all sorts of shit...slayer, black sabbath, broken hope, impaled, aborted, death, opeth, hamartia, with honor, bleeding through, rifles at recess, blood for blood, cryptopsy, blah blah blah.
[Jan 11,2005 11:13pm - anonymous  ""]
where u from
[Jan 11,2005 11:22pm - BornSoVile ""]
my nana is from warren.
smallest town, in the smallest county, in the smallest state in the usa.
[Jan 11,2005 11:28pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i'm from plympton, which is probably even smaller than warren, haha...it's in south shore MA, near plymouth and the cape
[Jan 11,2005 11:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
anonymous said:yeah no shit its only a screen name not our band name

well then I guess you chose the wrong screen name.
[Jan 12,2005 12:07am - the_reverend ""]

mfr needs to get in a band...
[Jan 12,2005 12:25am - mark fucking richards  ""]
no shit rev...on a good note though, me and my buddy evan's studio project, strappado, is done with a 2 song promo. darren from goratory is mixing/mastering this week, so i should be able to get you the tunes soon. i'll send you like 20 copies to give to whoever the fuck you want, cuz we want this shit to get out there. werd

focker, out
[Jan 12,2005 12:41am - mikehuntstinks ""]
your nana is from what? nana! what are you 5 years old you queen!:middlefinger:
[Jan 12,2005 12:43am - BornSoVile ""]
lol, that's what a call her douche bag!
[Jan 12,2005 7:16am - anonymous  ""]
www.hxcmp3.com if u want to hear our old stuff however we are looking 2 do something new (search-nepenthe)
[Jan 12,2005 8:49am - Josh_hates_you ""]
anonymous said:www.hxcmp3.com if u want to hear our old stuff however we are looking 2 do something new (search-nepenthe)

sounds like a bad version of closer that kin with less hardcore influence and more nu metal/metal core influence.
[Jan 12,2005 9:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
bring some flyers to the Dead to Fall show on 1-31 about needing a guitarist, I am sure someone there will probably be interested.

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