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how come japanese horror owns american horror?

[Jan 11,2005 12:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I just watched the jap version of the grudge and it's not even the same movie as the american version, thank god.

I fucking loved the jap version. Plus The Eye was incredible and some others I've seen.

I hate that movie THE RING, but now I am interested in seeing Ringu because it's probably awesome.
[Jan 11,2005 1:06am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Ringu is pretty good nothing like the US version
[Jan 11,2005 1:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Todd, you should check out the jap version of The grudge, and also The Eye. Two great horror movies.

If anyone can recomend me some others that would rule.
[Jan 11,2005 1:24am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Check out ...

Evil Dead Trap
Ichi the Killer
[Jan 11,2005 1:32am - El Justin  ""]
ichi the killer fucking rules...ultra gory

also visitor q is alright...it's just really screwed up...both films by takeshi miike
[Jan 11,2005 1:56am - Kalopsia ""]
Japanese horror is better because Japan rules, it's that simple. lol some awesome Asian flicks to check out

Battle Royale (though part 2 sucks ass)
A Tale of Two Sisters
Sky High

[Jan 11,2005 4:39am - MikeFuck ""]
Anything by Takashi Miike is fucking ridiculous; Ichi the Killer, Audition, Three Extremes, and Full Metal Yakuza are my favorites. He makes a new movie every three months or so. Check out the Dead Or Alive series for guys deep frying their own hands or a woman drowning in a kiddie pool of her own shit and piss.
[Jan 11,2005 8:27am - Mike Proteus  ""]
Tetsuo: The Iron Man is the beginning and end of all other japanese (bizarre) cinema.
[Jan 11,2005 8:54am - Scoracrasia ""]
I really want to see audition. I heard it is pretty fucked up.
[Jan 11,2005 9:19am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
thanks guys, i got the same recomendations on another board, so i will be looking into those flicks.
[Jan 11,2005 9:22am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
a couple more movies you should check out are ichi the killer and battle royale.

ichi the killer is sick twisted fucked up gore. also there' sviolent rape in it.

battle royale is a story about a class of high school kids who misbehave, so they're put on an island with weapons and only one will be allowed to leave alive.
[Jan 11,2005 9:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i'm not really looking for gore movies, but i will probably check them out anyway.
[Jan 11,2005 10:40am - th3rdknuckle ""]
Audition is so good I wish I'd never seen it

man o man
[Jan 11,2005 10:42am - litacore ""]
wow, that's formidable.

now I've GOT to see it, at risk of being called a ballbreaker

(but I hear balls are not the ONLY things she breaks/amputates in the film)
[Jan 11,2005 10:50am - paganmegan ""]
Now, is The Eye more along the lines of supernatural horror, or outright gore/slasher/ violence type horror?
[Jan 12,2005 9:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
paganmegan said:Now, is The Eye more along the lines of supernatural horror, or outright gore/slasher/ violence type horror?

real horror, i think movies that rely on gore to be scary are retarded, sometimes funny though.

The Eye is about a blind girl who gets an eye transplant, but the eyes she gets are from a psychic who died, and well then it goes from there.
[Jan 12,2005 9:48am - RustedAngel ""]
I haven't seen any japan and even american horror movie that's better than alien/aliens/predator. we win.
[Jan 12,2005 9:52am - eben@florida  ""]
ringu owns, jap grudge owns, super milk chan owns, and so on...
[Jan 12,2005 10:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the first alien was good, the second was ok, the rest were terrible, predator was awesome, predator 2 was one of the worst 10 movies ever, i refused to see alien vs predator.
[Jan 12,2005 10:34am - ASSuck ""]
anything the japanese do will better the american version
[Jan 12,2005 11:19am - XmikeX ""]
because americans only care about special effects, and stupid superficial bullshit. every american horror movie is the same.

take The Grudge for example. The whole movie moved along the same idea: first you'd have the long quiet pause, and then some scary face would pop out or something and everyone in the theater pretends that they didn't know it was coming.

Every American horror movie in the last decade or so has used the exact same sound effects, and background music too. Darkness basically took the sound track of The Ring, cheesed it up with some Duke Nukem sound effects and slapped it on a boring movie.

I thought the Ring was the sole exception in the past few years. It was the only movie with even half way decent photography, and a worthwhile plot. Following the American release of the Ring every single American horror movie went to work the next day thinking of ways to rip it off, and water it down.

I read "Ring" by Koji Suzuki (the book it was based off of) a few months ago. And the book was, as expected, better than the movie. The Japanese movie followed the book more, but wasn't as good of a film.
[Jan 12,2005 12:09pm - assuck ""]
the ring (american version) was the most overrated piece of garbage i've ever seen
[Jan 12,2005 12:32pm - XmikeX ""]
ASSuck said:anything the japanese do will better the american version

so true. we had 9/11. they had 2 atomic bombs dropped on them. we just cant win.
[Jan 13,2005 9:14am - litacore ""]
I realized this morning that I am a softie

because even though I've yet to be shocked by ANY horror movie since Henry (except for the decap video of Eugene Armstrong)

I still cry during the end of 'Watership Down'
[Jan 13,2005 9:21am - Mike Proteus  ""]
Eraserhead is more disturbing and unsettling than any "horror" film thats out there.
[Jan 13,2005 9:25am - litacore ""]
ooh yeah

"Mom! They're not even sure it IS a baby!"

dude, that's playing at the Brattle in Cambridge, end of the month

BIG David Lynch fest
[Jan 13,2005 10:07am - Mike Proteus  ""]
litacore said:ooh yeah

"Mom! They're not even sure it IS a baby!"

dude, that's playing at the Brattle in Cambridge, end of the month

BIG David Lynch fest

I paid a decent amount of cash to get the "Lynch approved" Eraserhead dvd off his site. A Lynch fest would be my utopia, i'll definitely be there.
[Jan 13,2005 10:50am - litacore ""]
end of the month. It's playing on the 28th.


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