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Brak sings cannibal corpse

[May 14,2002 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
<a href="http://www.mindspring.com/~dblain/brakcorpse.swf" target="_blank">http://www.mindspring.com/~dblain/brakcorpse.swf</a> <br> <br>it's very funny.
[May 14,2002 8:25pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, both jeremy from <a href="http://www.chaosmetal.com" target="_blank">http://www.chaosmetal.com</a> <br>and john from Vehemence sent me that with in 10 minutes of each other. <br>nither of them know each other as far as I know
[May 16,2002 6:22pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
hahaha thats great.
[Jul 15,2002 4:26pm - Rapscallion Q. Jones  ""]
it's old news by now and probably not very funny anymore... but who gives a fuck. <br> <br>Brak Metal has been moved. <br> <br>home.attbi.com/~rapscallion_jones/brakcorpse.htm
[Jul 15,2002 8:51pm - doug in fits  ""]
it's always funny. <br>I think we need more of hose things.
[Jul 16,2002 4:17am - the_smile_adventure ""]
happy birthday.
[Jul 16,2002 3:45pm - Rapscallion Q. Jones  ""]
I was thinking of making another video but I'd hate to repeat myself and do another one just like the existing animation. <br> <br>I was giving consideration to Brak singing the Borknagar song "Colossus" with other Coast to Coast characters accompanying him. And I'd stick the big flaming goat head in the back from the Tenacious D episode of Coast to Coast.
[Jun 13,2005 11:17am - CoDemos  ""]
I've had to have watched this 100000000 times now and it's still funny...like 3 years after I 1st saw it.
[Jun 13,2005 11:57am - Hooker ""]
[Jun 13,2005 12:08pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
both links are down. I want to hear this.

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