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Au Bon Pain appreciation thread

[Jan 4,2005 2:06pm - litacore ""]
OK, sure it's the Starbucks of the salad world and it's overpriced

but the Mediterranian Wrap is so YUMMERS! I treat myself every two weeks or so. :pukeface:
[Jan 4,2005 2:07pm - succubus ""]
[Jan 4,2005 2:07pm - litacore ""]
The Wrap (the chain) is also awesome. Cheaper.
[Jan 4,2005 2:12pm - succubus ""]
i like bruegger's bagels
i love the asiago cheese or sundried tomato and inside they put
hummous, sundried tomato spread, sprouts, munster cheese and lettuce it's like $5 though
[Jan 4,2005 2:13pm - litacore ""]
yeah you don't want to do it every day but it's nice to reward yourself once or twice a week
[Jan 4,2005 2:15pm - succubus ""]
i haven't had it in months actually...and by that i mean beginning of the summer probably
[Jan 4,2005 2:15pm - paganmegan ""]
the brueggers in kenmore square pisses me off, so I have ceased going there... au bon has such good food
[Jan 4,2005 2:16pm - succubus ""]
paganmegan said:the brueggers in kenmore square pisses me off, so I have ceased going there... au bon has such good food

ohh tell me why?

i would go to the one in marlboro...the people are really nice

[Jan 4,2005 2:16pm - litacore ""]
most food out of Kenmore eateries has rodent caca in it, dunnit?
[Jan 4,2005 2:18pm - Jay_Hawkins ""]
Tealuxe is better.
[Jan 4,2005 2:19pm - litacore ""]
TeaLuxe is very decadent
[Jan 4,2005 2:21pm - paganmegan ""]
Pretty much dude. And i've tried almost all of it. Baseball fans will eat anything when they're sloshed (and that is not an insult, as I am one myself)
[Jan 4,2005 2:22pm - paganmegan ""]
tealuxe I have never tried.. where is that?
[Jan 4,2005 2:25pm - succubus ""]
i still want to know why the bruggers in kenmore pisses you off...

is it the people that work there?
[Jan 4,2005 2:26pm - Jay_Hawkins ""]
paganmegan said:tealuxe I have never tried.. where is that?

All over the place. There's one on Newbury, same side of the street as Newbury Comics.

[Jan 4,2005 2:30pm - paganmegan ""]
succubus said:i still want to know why the bruggers in kenmore pisses you off...

is it the people that work there?

well, i wanted them to put avocado on a bagel and they acted like I was out of my mind and pretty much refused to do it, ( even though it was a menu item) it was way too much trouble and I din't think the damn bagel was that good anyways

but maybe its different now. Maybe I will try again someday
[Jan 4,2005 2:34pm - succubus ""]
mehhh fuxxors

would have pissed me off too
[Jan 4,2005 2:35pm - paganmegan ""]
c'mon , its just avocado, for chrissakes
[Jan 4,2005 2:37pm - litacore ""]
it's kenmore. They all think they're all metro-badass like NYC or something
[Jan 4,2005 2:38pm - succubus ""]
and avocado = yum
[Jan 4,2005 2:39pm - paganmegan ""]
well, most of the food tastes like they all took turns taking dumps in it so they can get off their high horse
[Jan 4,2005 2:39pm - paganmegan ""]
Yes! Avocado is my favorite food item in the world
[Jan 4,2005 4:59pm - phobia ""]
i can't give to much kudos to Au Bon Pain, but i can give litacore kudos on knowing how to spell it.
... not to mention the Au Bon Pain dumpster is a treasure box of goodies.
[Jan 5,2005 9:43am - litacore ""]
Au Bon Pain-in-the-ass
[Jan 5,2005 10:31am - dirtycrayon  ""]
when i worked in cambridge i went to ABP every day. I worked right next to one but no one spoke english so i didnt trust them with sandwich making but i did buy cookies and baked goods from them when they became half-priced.
for sandwiches i would go to the large ABP in harvard square right across from the pitt. I would either order the tomato & mozerella sandwich or the chicken & mozerella. It was at ABP where my addiction to Terra chips started too!
Last month i went to the ABP in South Station right across from the Amtrack tracks. Biggest Mistake Ever!!! I ordered the sundried tomato bread sandwich with chicken and other stuff. it was such a mess and i got sick afterwards. i have't been to ABP ever since!!!
[Jan 5,2005 11:34am - litacore ""]
South Station is the second Kenmore Square. I wouldn't eat anything from there I didn't capture and kill myself.
[Jan 5,2005 11:36am - paganmegan ""]
Would you capture and kill the pigeons there, or just the commuters?
[Jan 21,2005 2:41pm - litacore ""]
I just had some yummers Veggie Minestrone.

one thing that annoys me is the fucking SPOONS they have, they're way too round and deep, you have to slurp the soup out like a fuckin' piglet

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