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Attention UNEARTH fans

[Dec 30,2004 3:07pm - Arrik ""]
Mike Justian will be playing drums with Candy Striper Death Orgy This Friday ( 12/31) at the Bombshelter ( 97 Eddy Rd., Manchester, NH ..go to www.mapquest.com if you need directions...)

CSDO is a a fantastic band. Dynamic thrash/death/doom metal at it's finest.

There is plenty of room in each song for Mike to do what he does..(some of his best playing is with CSDO.)

you don't want to miss this!!

Come chek them out,,it will be a great time!!!
[Dec 30,2004 3:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
woah he must really need some cash, and are there Unearth fans on this board !
[Dec 30,2004 3:54pm - RichHorror ""]
If there are, I want them caught and shot.
[Dec 30,2004 4:42pm - Blue ""]
mike actually is really good with CSDO. saw them with him on drums a few years ago, and it was good. but then again, mike makes everything sound good.
[Dec 30,2004 5:19pm - dreadkill ""]
not even a great drummer could make unearth's bad songwriting sound good.
[Dec 30,2004 5:24pm - Justin ACR  ""]
hahahaha, unearth has there cool parts, but the structure of their songs are fuckin terrible.
[Dec 30,2004 11:35pm - tbone_r ""]
i'm an ex-unearth fan. their new cd is so boring.
[Dec 31,2004 12:43am - anonymous  ""]
yeah fuck them man! fuck them for writing some good tunes and making money, and not playing to 10 kids in a VFW hall anymore! how dare they?

fact: Almost fucking EVERYONE here was a fan before they got recognition.
[Dec 31,2004 12:52am - malettey ""]
i once attended an unearth show, the one a while back at the palladium with terror, and black dahlia murder. i fell asleep in the back while unearth played. i fucking hate melodic "hardcore".

[Dec 31,2004 1:38am - Blue ""]
Justin ACR said:hahahaha, unearth has there cool parts, but the structure of their songs are fuckin terrible.

i never said anything about me liking unearth.
[Dec 31,2004 2:01am - anonymous  ""]
well here is your problem, you think that unearth is a "melodic hardcore" band
[Dec 31,2004 2:11am - tbone_r ""]
i liked them when they were popular. i just think their cd sucks. which it does. it brings absolutely nothing to the table. and their remake of endless sucks.
[Dec 31,2004 10:44am - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:yeah fuck them man! fuck them for writing some good tunes and making money, and not playing to 10 kids in a VFW hall anymore! how dare they?

fact: Almost fucking EVERYONE here was a fan before they got recognition.

for the record, i was never an unearth fan. i have always hated their music.
[Dec 31,2004 10:45am - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:well here is your problem, you think that unearth is a "melodic hardcore" band

here is your problem: posting anonymously. get a pair of gonads and sign up for the board.
[Dec 31,2004 10:50am - __THeMoor__ ""]
anonymous said:yeah fuck them man! fuck them for writing some good tunes and making money, and not playing to 10 kids in a VFW hall anymore! how dare they?

fact: Almost fucking EVERYONE here was a fan before they got recognition.

i still am, and i'm not ashamed to admit it. they still play with good energy and their shows are still fun.
[Dec 31,2004 10:51am - dreadkill ""]
Justin ACR said:hahahaha, unearth has there cool parts, but the structure of their songs are fuckin terrible.

i disagree about them having cool parts, but the song structure comment is right on.
[Dec 31,2004 4:11pm - tha rev, eh?  ""]
the new cd is decent.
Io\'m in canada though, so no show for me, eh?
[Dec 31,2004 4:13pm - Blue ""]
anonymous said:fact: Almost fucking EVERYONE here was a fan before they got recognition.

good thing im not everyone. never liked unearth. didnt like them when they were point 04, dont like them now.
[Dec 31,2004 6:32pm - anonymous  ""]
point 04 fucking blew, but thats cool you remember them....even thought it has nothing to do with anything.
[Dec 31,2004 6:36pm - armageddonday ""]
anonymous said:yeah fuck them man! fuck them for writing some good tunes and making money, and not playing to 10 kids in a VFW hall anymore! how dare they?

fact: Almost fucking EVERYONE here was a fan before they got recognition.

It's a good thing you said "almost".
[Jan 4,2005 1:29am - mOe  ""]
I'm probably the most trendy metalcore dude on the board and i loathe unearth...but then again my favorite band is the Catherine Wheel so what the hell do i know about anything

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