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Blast beats

[Dec 29,2004 4:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
So I got Deaths Human afew days ago. I now have them all. I cant recall ANY of the having any blast beats. Not that Death needed them.

So, Blast beats... Discuss.:doublehorns:
[Dec 29,2004 4:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
peeeeete the feet fucking sandoval. he is a fucking machine. seriously.
[Dec 29,2004 4:43pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Human is thier best album!!! blast beats are the true integrity of metal drumming...along with fast doublebass.....which human has to definitly offer as well
[Dec 29,2004 4:44pm - Christraper ""]
hmmmm.....Hellhammer.....yep thats my vote.
[Dec 29,2004 4:47pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Human is there best one. I'm not so into blast beats through an entire song but they're are awesome.
[Dec 29,2004 4:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Khanate's drummer plays the best blast beats.
[Dec 29,2004 4:50pm - Robdeadskin ""]
what are ya sayin andy..hahaha
[Dec 29,2004 4:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
SO far Human is my least favorite, but I'll give it time.
I like blast beats, but It all depends.

[Dec 29,2004 4:54pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Derek Roddy = blast beat machine.
[Dec 29,2004 5:27pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Nile and Vital Remains have tight as fuck blasts.
[Dec 29,2004 5:27pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i only have to say 3 things....


Charles Bronson

asshole parade

...thank you
[Dec 29,2004 5:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
you guys need to see the video clips i have of sandoval, an then you will believe me that no one can match up to him.
[Dec 29,2004 5:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dave Suzuki
the dude from Krisiun
the dude from Imperial SOdomy
Duane Timlin
those dudes have my favorite sounding blasts.
[Dec 29,2004 5:48pm - RustedAngel ""]
no tim yueng in here? wtf?
[Dec 29,2004 6:04pm - malettey ""]
i think blast beats are kind of stupid, a lot of bands overuse them. especially death metal bands, where the guitars aren't always fast, but they use blast beats anyways just to be "brutal". there aren't many bands out there that know how to use blast beats and make it sound good.
[Dec 29,2004 10:54pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
BornSoVile said:the dude from Imperial SOdomy

:doublehorns: he is awesome,still can't find there 2nd CD, anyone know where to get it?
[Dec 29,2004 11:07pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RustedAngel said peeeeete the feet fucking sandoval. he is a fucking machine. seriously.

for real, i saw that guy at the old Axis when it was shitty like the Rat. guy never stopped, he aight real and he's wearing boots that weigh as much as a small girl.
[Dec 29,2004 11:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
http://www.unmatchedbrutality.com/ij.html - Imperial Sodomy is fucking sick shit man! I wonder what Anne has to say about them. Fastest French band I can think of.
[Dec 30,2004 12:13am - morkul ""]
No. Not a single Death album has any Blast Beats on them Gene only started blasting during the Old Man Child sessions and now Blast's with SYL. As far as good blasting drummers ar concerned-like anything if done correctly and fittingly can sound good anywhare. Take for instance Tony Laureano. Here's a guy who has an arsenal of blast beats. You got to remember, there is way more than one type of blast beat. Then there is George Kolias(new drummer for Nile) who is clocking in on single foot blast at 265bpm. Alex Hernandez from Immolation is another good blaster. He does alot more with it than the norm. He's taken it and made it enjoyable with the music.Pete Hammoura, another good blaster and all-around great drummer. That's all for now.
[Dec 30,2004 12:33am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'd agree that no DEATH drumlines could be called blasts.

As many may guess, I'm very much into the primitive blasting style, ala early SODOM and SEPULTURA, SARCOFAGO, BLASPHEMY, CORPSE MOLESTATION/BESTIAL WARLUST, NIFELHEIM, CONQUEROR, etc. These bands' blasts are so frenzied and feral, I love it.

For more "refined" blasting, I definitely gotta give it up for Sandoval, Steve Asheim, Hellhammer (for his work on Live In Leipzig and DMDS, new "MAYHEM" is garbage), Faust (In The Nightside Eclipse was definitely a milestone speedwise for '95), Longstreth for the first 2 ANGEL CORPSE albums, Max from KRISIUN, the ROTTEN SOUND drummer, John Gillis, Nate Linehan, Jeff Beckwith, just to name a handful.
[Dec 30,2004 12:40am - Blue ""]
live would be difficult to live without blastbeats.
[Dec 30,2004 12:45am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
definetly agree that blast beats sound good when placed correctly and tend to get boring if used too much. As far as Death goes I really like Sounds of Perseverence.
[Dec 30,2004 12:52am - Jellyfish ""]
Pete, Trym, Roddy.
[Dec 30,2004 4:11am - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:TODD!
http://www.unmatchedbrutality.com/ij.html - Imperial Sodomy is fucking sick shit man! I wonder what Anne has to say about them. Fastest French band I can think of.

[Dec 30,2004 4:12am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
oops that was me
[Dec 30,2004 4:36pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Robdeadskin said:what are ya sayin andy..hahaha

Shit, don't worry knucka. You got that shit on lock down.

[Dec 30,2004 6:24pm - darkwingsunfurl ""]
i can do blast beats....frozen forest cunts!
[Dec 30,2004 6:32pm - powerkok ""]
origin has some nasty blasts
Im not a fan of the constant blast....moderate use is good tho.
[Dec 30,2004 7:23pm - carcinogenic_cookies  ""]
No one said kevin talley. Hellhammer, personally I like the guy from Nasum, very consistent and loud. Fat drummers rule.
[Dec 31,2004 12:32am - kyledoes ""]
blast beats are fucking awesome.
but breakdowns thats where it gets real tough.

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