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Where are you Succie???

[Dec 27,2004 5:10pm - ram_girl ""]

I’m here working the late shift and I miss you!!!

Where are you? How was your holiday? Was Santa good to you…….
Talk to me Damnit!!!
[Dec 27,2004 5:15pm - succubus ""]
i just got out of the shower and getting ready to go to the radio station with aaron.
it was a great holiday..i was very spoiled (oh and i made a thread about what what you got for Xmas..you should reply =) )
how is work?
how are people acting?
are they feeding you dinner?
tomorrow and wednesday i'm supposed to do a 1 to 9
keep me updated on what yer up to tonight!
i miss you too!!
[Dec 27,2004 5:16pm - succubus ""]
there's the thread post what ya got!
[Dec 27,2004 5:19pm - succubus ""]
oh and i'm really sick with a cold/flu
[Dec 27,2004 5:26pm - ram_girl ""]
Its completely dead here....bored out of my skull....ready to throw pencils at the ceiling like I did last Thursday!!!
Hardly anyone here.....hardly any pages/calls. Mostly people needing approvals. Doubt dinner will be supplied (cheap bastids)!!! Maybe I can get out of here before 10:00 tonight!

Glad your holidays were good but it sucks that you are sick......
Hopefully it is slow all week!
[Dec 27,2004 5:29pm - succubus ""]
ram_girl said:ready to throw pencils at the ceiling like I did last Thursday!!!

that was fuckin hilarious!! i wish i could see it again

you should be getting dinner though..tell bossman because you know he won't think of it since he's leaving...if OA orders, you get to eat what they order though i know J usually does although the last few times they got meal tickets for the caf

[Dec 27,2004 5:29pm - ram_girl ""]
I've been sitting here playing with my new digital camera since I got in!!!
[Dec 27,2004 5:30pm - succubus ""]
no sa!
that's awesome..bring it in tomorrow!
[Dec 27,2004 5:39pm - ram_girl ""]
You liked when I did the pencil thing, eh!!!

Screw dinner, I don't really want it anywho!
[Dec 27,2004 5:46pm - BornSoVile ""]
what do they order in o'tooles for dinner or something?
[Dec 27,2004 5:49pm - ram_girl ""]
They order where ever the "Princess" (a co-worker) wants to order....
O'Tooles Spicy Fries and Honey Mustard Chicken RULE!!!
[Dec 27,2004 7:37pm - succubus ""]
are you still there?
we're at the station but i can't get on trillian or IM

give me an update
[Dec 27,2004 8:38pm - succubus ""]
where are you?

aaron tried IM'ing you for me but you weren't online
only one of his computers was able to get on IM

[Dec 28,2004 8:38am - ram_girl ""]
left at about 7:30 because it was sooooooo DEAD!

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